

Level 1 Item Home
Level 1 Item My account
Level 2 Item My bill
Level 3 Item Pay my bill
Level 3 Item Switch to eBilling
Level 3 Item Understanding my bill
Level 4 Item eBilling Terms and Conditions
Level 3 Item Help paying my bill
Level 3 Item Direct debit terms and conditions
Level 2 Item Water and sewerage prices
Level 3 Item Water prices
Level 4 Item Residential water prices
Level 4 Item Commercial water prices
Level 4 Item Non-residential water prices
Level 3 Item Sewerage prices
Level 3 Item Shared water meters
Level 3 Item Other fees and charges
Level 2 Item Water meters
Level 3 Item Reading the meter
Level 3 Item Submit a meter reading
Level 3 Item Testing the accuracy of water meters
Level 3 Item Report a problem
Level 2 Item mySAWater
Level 3 Item mySAWater terms and conditions
Level 2 Item Accessibility
Level 3 Item Accessibility statement
Level 3 Item Priority Services - Support for people with specific needs
Level 1 Item My home
Level 2 Item Using water efficiently
Level 3 Item In your home
Level 4 Item Water efficient appliances
Level 4 Item Water pressure
Level 4 Item Understanding water consumption
Level 4 Item Greywater
Level 3 Item Be water wise
Level 4 Item Consider native plants
Level 4 Item Native garden inspiration
Level 3 Item Reuse and recycled water
Level 2 Item Leaks and blockages
Level 3 Item Sewer blockages and overflows
Level 3 Item Keeping our sewers healthy
Level 3 Item Finding leaks on your property
Level 3 Item Planting the right tree in the right place
Level 3 Item Report a problem
Level 2 Item Moving home
Level 3 Item Water connections and moving
Level 1 Item My business
Level 2 Item Services
Level 3 Item Leak analysis
Level 3 Item Irrigated Public Open Spaces (IPOS)
Level 4 Item Permits for Irrigated Public Open Space
Level 4 Item Irrigation Management Toolkits
Level 3 Item Australian Water Quality Centre
Level 3 Item Water Engineering Technologies
Level 3 Item Recycled water stations
Level 3 Item Immersion Studios
Level 3 Item Permits for water use
Level 3 Item Third party access to infrastructure
Level 2 Item Trade waste and liquid hauled waste
Level 3 Item Trade waste management
Level 4 Item Trade waste guidelines and fact sheets
Level 4 Item Trade waste fees and charges
Level 4 Item Applications and forms
Level 3 Item Cleaner production program
Level 3 Item Grease arrestor maintenance app
Level 3 Item Restricted wastewater technical committee
Level 3 Item Liquid hauled waste
Level 2 Item Smart metering
Level 3 Item Smart meters
Level 4 Item User guides
Level 3 Item Smart meters support
Level 1 Item Building, developing and plumbing
Level 2 Item Connecting to SA Water Services
Level 3 Item Apply for and track connections
Level 4 Item Connecting and disconnecting our services
Level 4 Item Altering or relocating an existing water or sewerage connection
Level 4 Item Application checklist
Level 4 Item Connections estimator map help guide
Level 3 Item Application forms
Level 3 Item Track your application
Level 3 Item Fees and charges
Level 2 Item Subdivisions
Level 3 Item Subdividing
Level 3 Item Dewatering
Level 3 Item Easements
Level 2 Item For plumbers
Level 3 Item Sewerage systems
Level 3 Item Pressure sewer systems
Level 3 Item Water systems
Level 3 Item Final fix inspections
Level 3 Item Forms for plumbers
Level 2 Item Developments
Level 3 Item Bonding
Level 3 Item Land development agreement
Level 3 Item Authorised products
Level 3 Item Consultant engineers
Level 3 Item Accredited contractors for land development
Level 3 Item Engineering standards
Level 4 Item Technical standards
Level 4 Item Standard drawings
Level 4 Item Typical drawings
Level 4 Item Technical guidelines
Level 4 Item Datasheets
Level 3 Item Network infrastructure
Level 4 Item Gravity Sewerage and Sewage Pumping
Level 3 Item Extensions and connections
Level 3 Item Augmentation
Level 1 Item Water and the environment
Level 2 Item Safe and clean drinking water
Level 3 Item Your tap water
Level 3 Item Your drinking water profile
Level 3 Item Your tap water’s quality and testing
Level 4 Item In Your Area: What's in your water?
Level 4 Item Glossary - what makes up your water
Level 3 Item Why and how water is treated
Level 3 Item Disinfecting your drinking water
Level 3 Item Caring for your aquariums and household appliances
Level 2 Item South Australia's water sources
Level 3 Item Reservoirs
Level 4 Item Barossa Reservoir
Level 4 Item Baroota Reservoir
Level 4 Item Blue Lake Reservoir
Level 4 Item Bundaleer Reservoir
Level 4 Item Happy Valley Reservoir
Level 4 Item Hope Valley Reservoir
Level 4 Item Kangaroo Creek Reservoir
Level 4 Item Little Para Reservoir
Level 4 Item Middle River Reservoir
Level 4 Item Millbrook Reservoir
Level 4 Item Mount Bold Reservoir
Level 4 Item Myponga Reservoir
Level 4 Item South Para Reservoir
Level 4 Item Tod Reservoir
Level 4 Item Warren Reservoir
Level 4 Item Wirrina Cove Reservoir
Level 3 Item River Murray
Level 4 Item Lockages
Level 4 Item Fishways
Level 4 Item River Murray reports: daily flow
Level 4 Item River Murray reports: daily salinity
Level 4 Item River Murray reports: Daily river graphs
Level 3 Item Groundwater
Level 3 Item Seawater
Level 3 Item Water for future generations
Level 2 Item Delivering your water services
Level 3 Item Drinking water networks
Level 3 Item Wastewater networks
Level 4 Item Tea Tree Gully CWMS
Level 4 Item WaterMicro23 abstracts
Level 3 Item Recycled water networks
Level 3 Item Non-drinking water networks
Level 3 Item Replacing water mains
Level 3 Item Repairing the water network
Level 2 Item Sustainable practices
Level 3 Item Environmental commitments
Level 3 Item Environmental protection
Level 3 Item Heritage conservation
Level 3 Item Reaching net zero carbon
Level 3 Item Energy management
Level 3 Item Our environmental performance
Level 1 Item Education and community
Level 2 Item Education
Level 3 Item The Well: school and community education
Level 4 Item For teachers
Level 5 Item Teaching Resources
Level 5 Item School excursions
Level 5 Item School incursions
Level 5 Item Virtual experiences
Level 5 Item Research and innovation
Level 5 Item Professional development
Level 4 Item For students
Level 5 Item Online games and activities
Level 5 Item Reservoir reserve activities
Level 5 Item Research and innovation
Level 4 Item For the community
Level 5 Item Community tours and programs
Level 5 Item Apps and games
Level 5 Item Reservoir activities
Level 5 Item Community drinking water access
Level 5 Item Community partnerships
Level 4 Item Contact us
Level 3 Item Our 160+ year journey
Level 3 Item The Humphrey pumps
Level 2 Item Community and events
Level 3 Item BYOB: Bring your own bottle
Level 3 Item Drinking water for community events
Level 3 Item Art on infrastructure
Level 3 Item Reconciliation
Level 3 Item Disability Access and Inclusion plan
Level 3 Item Community tours and programs
Level 2 Item Partnerships and sponsorships
Level 3 Item Community partnerships
Level 3 Item Industry partnerships
Level 3 Item Corporate sponsorship
Level 3 Item Pirku-Itya (Reconciliation Partnerships Program)
Level 2 Item Community safety
Level 3 Item Extreme weather events
Level 3 Item Happy Valley water treatment facility
Level 1 Item Reservoir reserves
Level 2 Item Reservoir reserves
Level 3 Item Barossa
Level 3 Item Bundaleer
Level 3 Item Happy Valley
Level 4 Item Happy Valley geostop 1
Level 4 Item Happy Valley geostop 2
Level 4 Item Happy Valley geostop 3
Level 4 Item Happy Valley geostop 4
Level 4 Item Happy Valley geostop 5
Level 4 Item Happy Valley geostop 6
Level 4 Item Happy Valley geostop 7
Level 4 Item Happy Valley geostop 8
Level 4 Item Happy Valley geostop 9
Level 4 Item Happy Valley geostop 10
Level 4 Item Happy Valley geostop 11
Level 4 Item Happy Valley geostop 12
Level 3 Item Hope Valley
Level 3 Item Little Para
Level 3 Item Mount Bold
Level 3 Item Myponga
Level 3 Item South Para
Level 3 Item Tod
Level 3 Item Warren
Level 2 Item Activities
Level 3 Item Recreation at Reservoir Reserves
Level 3 Item Walking
Level 3 Item Cycling
Level 3 Item Kayaking and canoeing
Level 3 Item Fishing
Level 2 Item Access and permits
Level 3 Item Conditions of access
Level 3 Item Fishing Permits
Level 3 Item Events and access requests
Level 3 Item Protecting water quality
Level 2 Item Get involved
Level 3 Item Reservoirs Partnership Program
Level 3 Item Volunteering
Level 1 Item About us
Level 2 Item How we operate
Level 3 Item About SA Water
Level 3 Item Our Charter
Level 3 Item Our Board
Level 3 Item Our Executive team
Level 3 Item Regulation of water services
Level 3 Item Water trading announcement
Level 3 Item Policies
Level 4 Item Customer contract
Level 4 Item Freedom of information
Level 5 Item Pro-disclosure
Level 5 Item Disclosure log
Level 5 Item Public interest disclosure procedure
Level 4 Item Privacy policy
Level 4 Item Privacy statement
Level 4 Item Social media disclaimer
Level 4 Item Accessibility statement
Level 4 Item Explore Water mobile application Privacy Policy
Level 4 Item BYOB mobile application Privacy Policy
Level 2 Item Our publications
Level 3 Item Our business strategy
Level 3 Item Our reports
Level 4 Item Annual Reports
Level 5 Item Our services
Level 5 Item Year in review
Level 5 Item Proactive environmental leadership
Level 5 Item Our people for the future
Level 5 Item Water quality
Level 5 Item Effective governance
Level 5 Item Financial performance
Level 5 Item Supplementary reporting items
Level 5 Item Archive
Level 4 Item Our performance
Level 4 Item Sustainable Development Goals
Level 3 Item Our research
Level 2 Item Work with us
Level 3 Item Vacancies
Level 3 Item Entry level programs
Level 4 Item Water industry traineeships
Level 4 Item Apprenticeships
Level 4 Item Graduate program
Level 4 Item Technical cadetships
Level 4 Item Work experience and placements
Level 3 Item Benefits of working with us
Level 4 Item How to apply
Level 2 Item Partner with us
Level 3 Item Tenders and contracts
Level 2 Item Media
Level 3 Item Media Centre
Level 2 Item mySAWater Maintenance
Level 1 Item Featured news
Level 1 Item News
Level 1 Item mySAWater
Level 1 Item Privacy
Level 1 Item Submit meter read
Level 1 Item Reading the meter
Level 1 Item mySAWater Benefits
Level 1 Item Contact us
Level 1 Item switch
Level 1 Item Report faults and view outages
Level 1 Item Water Savings
Level 1 Item mySAWater competition terms and conditions
Level 1 Item Welcome to SA Water
Level 1 Item Welcome to SA Water

  • Major faults

  • Underway

  • Polkinghorns Rd
  • Arthurton
  • 18/06/2020
  • Water Supply On
  • 18/06/2020 03:05 PM - We are attending to an incident in Arthurton with no interruption to the water supply. The safety of our crews and customers comes first, and we always aim to minimise inconvenience by restoring services as quickly as we can. Reference Number WO: 07505663.
  • See all major faults

  • Scheduled works

  • Underway
  • Spruance Rd
  • Elizabeth East
  • 11/06/2021
  • Temporary Supply Interruption
  • Estimated start time and water supply off: 15/06/2021 09:00 AM
    Estimated restore time and water supply back on: 15/06/2021 04:00 PM

    We’re improving your services and undertaking maintenance work in Elizabeth East. Sometimes our crews need to temporarily interrupt the water supply to our customers and/or manage traffic while they are working. Temporary traffic management may remain in place until reinstatement of the impacted road is complete. We always aim to minimise inconvenience by restoring services as safely and quickly as we can.

  • See all scheduled works