Third party access to infrastructure

Third party access to infrastructure

Our statutory third party access regime makes our infrastructure available to your organisation. If your new project leads to new investment and jobs – and needs access to water and sewerage infrastructure – we encourage you to get in touch.

We've been transporting water for other businesses for nearly twenty years. We transport around 11 GL of water annually across the state and the volume transported is growing every year.

Contact us to discuss your proposal

If your new project leads to new investment and jobs – and needs access to water and sewerage infrastructure – we encourage you to get in touch.

To discuss technical feasibility, connection requirements and pricing, please email

Statutory access

South Australia’s  statutory third party access regime began on 1 July 2016. This provides a formal path for access proposals. It requires us to provide some information on application and it empowers the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA) to oversee access arrangements. It also provides a conciliation and arbitration regime for the resolution of any disputes that may arise.

To use the statutory access regime, businesses and organisations will need to take full responsibility for water security, including purchasing their own water entitlements and allocations and managing any conditions or restrictions. Access tariffs under the statutory access regime are set according to a formula based on the gazetted statewide retail price for water, with some adjustments.

You are not obliged to apply for access under the statutory regime. The statutory regime is not intended to replace commercial negotiations but you have the legal right to use the statutory regime if you wish to do so.

Costs associated with requests for further information

Third party access – water/recycled water


Third party access – sewer


Register interest in statutory access

To receive an information pack and find out more about this process, you can register your interest for statutory third party access. This registration of interest does not incur the listed costs.

Water Transportation Services

Please see existing schedules of charges for water transportation services for the Barossa Valley, Eden Valley and Clare Valley regions.

Schedule of Charges – Off Peak Water Transportation 2025-2026

Schedule of Charges – Clare Valley Peak Water Transportation 2024-2025

Barossa Infrastructure Limited (BIL) water transportation 2024-2025