Apply for and track connections


Apply for new connections or alterations to existing connections, and track the progress of your application.

Connecting to our services and locating connection points at your property

Our Connections team connect our own services to South Australian properties with available connections. We connect drinking water, recycled water, sewerage, and water for fire services.

We also offer portable metered hydrants, flow test analysis and network analysis tests.

Before you apply for your connection, use the map below to estimate

  • if a connection service is available in your area
  • where a connection point may exist on your property.
  • the distance between your property and the available service.
Connecting to our services and locating connection points at your property

By using Connections Estimator Map, you agree and acknowledge:

  1. You have read, understood and accepted all information provided in our full Connections Estimator Map terms of service here.
  2. This map’s asset and measurement information are estimations and provided as a guide only to help a user submit a connection application.
  3. SA Water cannot guarantee the completeness or reliability of the information in this map, and are not responsible for any outcomes based on your own (or representative’s) evaluation of this map and its results.
  4. The map does not replace the specialised and professional advice SA Water provides customers on the completion of an application.
  5. Connection availability, requirements, fees and charges are subject to our connections policy, site check and application review by SA Water.

Please use two fingers to use the map.

Estimated service information
Information is currently unavailable, please check back later.
Drinking water:
Recycled water:
Fire connections:
Unknown Service Unable to identify a fire service near your location. Find out more.
Dewatering zone:
Unknown Service You may have dewatering requirements near your location. Find out more.
This map/information may not be accurate. See our terms of service here

Understanding your map results

Once you have confirmed what it will take to connect a service to your property, you can start your connection application here. Our experienced Connections team will then investigate your connection and provide an offer to connect, and an invoice.

Additional connection costs may occur if

  • the connection from the main to your property is greater than 12 metres
  • the depth of the connection is 3.0m or deeper
  • difficult construction conditions exist (for example existing services and infrastructure in the construction path, underground water, trees, rocks or requirements for traffic management)

Find out more about standard and non standard connections here. To understand our connection costs, please see our fees and charges.

For more help using the map, please refer to our Connections Estimator Map Help guide

Track your application anytime, anywhere

Our live tracker shows you the progress of your connection project. Learn more about what we do at each stage, work we may be doing on site, and be notified if we need any additional information to help progress your project.

What you need to know before applying to connect?

Connecting and disconnecting our services

We connect our own drinking water, recycled water, sewerage and water for fire services. If you no longer require a water connection, you can apply to have it disconnected.

Learn more connections and disconnections

Altering or relocating an existing water or sewerage connection

If you plan to build, relocate or do alteration work to the connection on your property, you need to tell us if the work will impact any of our services before work starts.

Altering or relocating an existing water or sewerage connection

Application checklist

To ensure you’re applying for everything you need, our application checklist will walk you through everything you need to know to successfully connect to our drinking water, recycled water, sewerage or water for fire services.

Go to our application checklist

Fees and charges

To connect to our network, you will need to pay a fee. Fees can vary depending on the type and size of the service you request, or if there are any difficult site conditions or obstructions that may impact how we build your connection.

Learn more about fees and charges

Apply for a connection

Application forms are available for the services provided below. Before you apply, use the map above to check which of our services may be available in your area and consider some of the conditions that may impact your connection request.

  • Drinking water
  • Recycled water
  • Wastewater / Sewerage
  • Water for fire services
  • Metered hydrants
  • Flow test network analysis
  • Disconnect an existing connection
See all application forms

  • Major faults

  • Underway

  • Polkinghorns Rd
  • Arthurton
  • 18/06/2020
  • Water Supply On
  • 18/06/2020 03:05 PM - We are attending to an incident in Arthurton with no interruption to the water supply. The safety of our crews and customers comes first, and we always aim to minimise inconvenience by restoring services as quickly as we can. Reference Number WO: 07505663.
  • See all major faults

  • Scheduled works

  • Underway
  • Spruance Rd
  • Elizabeth East
  • 11/06/2021
  • Temporary Supply Interruption
  • Estimated start time and water supply off: 15/06/2021 09:00 AM
    Estimated restore time and water supply back on: 15/06/2021 04:00 PM

    We’re improving your services and undertaking maintenance work in Elizabeth East. Sometimes our crews need to temporarily interrupt the water supply to our customers and/or manage traffic while they are working. Temporary traffic management may remain in place until reinstatement of the impacted road is complete. We always aim to minimise inconvenience by restoring services as safely and quickly as we can.

  • See all scheduled works