Help paying my bill

Help paying my bill

We understand that sometimes it’s hard to meet household expenses. If you are experiencing short or long-term financial difficulties, please talk to us so we can help you get back on track. If you're facing financial difficulties, we offer support tailored to your needs, with a number of options to help manage your bill.

How we can help

Need a bit more time to pay?

Login to mySAWater and select ‘Payment assistance’ to request a 30 day payment extension.

Pay your bill in instalments

Login to mySAWater and select ‘payment assistance’ to set up a payment arrangement that meets your needs.

Payment Assistance Program

Our Payment Assistance Program is here for you when you are experiencing financial difficulty. Whether you need help in the short term or over a longer period, we're here to provide the assistance you need.

Step one: Get in touch

If you are feeling overwhelmed, or can't seem to get ahead of your water bill, we can help you. The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can help you get back on track.

Step two: Work out a plan

Call our Adelaide-based team on 08 7424 1650 (8.30am to 5pm weekdays). We can work with you to develop a payment plan that suits your own personal circumstance and needs. You can also reach out for help via email at

Step three: Additional support

Talk to us about support options that may suit your situation. We can guide you to resources on tracking water use, improving efficiency, and managing bills.

A Payment Assistance Program for everyone

The program is open to everybody who uses our services – whether you're a tenant renting or a property owner – but it applies differently depending on how you interact with us.

Tenants need authorisation from the owner of the property or the account holder to access our Payment Assistance Program.

In this case, any support payments under the program are applied to the account, not to an individual.

The property owners remain ultimately financially responsible for the account.

We can work with you to find support options that meet your needs

  • Interest-free and flexible payment plans of weekly, fortnightly, or monthly instalments.
  • Referring you to the National Debt Helpline for free, confidential, and independent financial counselling. Call 1800 007 007 or visit to speak with a financial counsellor.
  • Concessions for eligible South Australians on low or fixed incomes to help with water and sewerage rates. Check your eligibility via the Department of Human Services or call their concessions hotline on 1800 307 758.
  • Centrepay arrangements to reduce payment defaults and ensure a smoother payment process.
  • Plumbing assistance if you're experiencing water leaks, dripping taps, or toilet issues, we may be able to arrange for a licensed plumber to fix these problems.
  • Water efficiency practises by providing you with water-saving tips to help you save money and helpful tips on how to use water more efficiently in your home and garden.

More information about our Payment Assistance services can be found in our Hardship Policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Easy read: Support for paying your bill

View or download our Easy Read document to explore the support options available for managing your water bill.

Need more help understanding your bill?

See how your SA Water bill is structured, including charges, payment details, and water use, so you know exactly what you're paying for.