Our environmental performance

Our environmental performance

Sustainable practice and good environmental management helps us:

  • effectively manage sewage (wastewater) overflows
  • minimise discharges from wastewater treatment plants
  • effectively manage biosolids and hazardous wastes
  • reduce greenhouse gas emissions

We monitor and review our environmental performance, and continue to develop new ways of reducing the impact of our work.

To understand how we safely manage our wastewater treatment plants, or to join the conversation and share your ideas, visit our Wastewater Treatment Plant WaterTalks page.

Our commitment to the environment

Through our strategy and planning, we are responding to climate change with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to a changed climate, and contributing to climate change research. We identify ways our water supplies and infrastructure could be at risk because of climate change, helping us to protect and sustain services for our community.

With the aim to identify and assess the potential environmental impacts of our projects and activities, we complete environmental and heritage assessments to identify potential impacts on the environment during project design and construction.

Asbestos in cement pipes

About 42 per cent of our water network has cement pipes that contain bonded, non-friable asbestos. These pipes are widely used for water supply throughout Australia and across the world.

The World Health Organisation and the National Health and Medical Research Council’s Australian Drinking Water Guidelines confirm presence of asbestos cement pipes within water networks does not pose a public health risk.