Sewerage prices

Sewerage prices

Sewerage charges relate to the cost of delivering sewerage services – collecting, transporting, treating, recycling and disposing of used water. Charges are based on the capital value of your property, which is set on an annual basis by the Valuer-General’s Office.

The rates used to calculate sewerage charges are updated every year and take into consideration the general movement in the property market. This ensures the increase in total revenue from sewerage charges does not provide a gain to us due to increases in the value of properties.

Calculating your quarterly sewerage charge

Sewerage charges are formed by applying a rate in the dollar to the value of your property. This means the number of cents charged per $1,000 of property value, subject to a minimum charge for 2024-25 of $86.95 per quarter.

To work out your sewerage charge, divide your property value by 1,000. Then multiply that number by the rate that applies to you (using the rates below). To calculate an annual charge, multiply by four.

If the result is lower than the minimum charge, then the minimum charge of $86.95per quarter or $347.80 annually will apply.

Quarterly rates per $1,000 of property value

Residential (metropolitan) $0.1555
Residential (country)* $0.232
Non-residential/commercial (metropolitan) $0.2235
Non-residential/commercial (country)* $0.35525

*Country sewerage prices apply to properties within SA Water defined sewerage drainage areas.

Disputing the valuation of your property

To enquire about valuations set by the Office of the Valuer-General:

To object to your property valuation:

If you do not agree with your valuation, you must lodge a written objection within 60 days of receiving the first-rate notice for the financial year. Refer to the Office of the Valuer-General’s website for further information.

Charges if you are not connected to the sewerage network

If your property can be connected to our sewerage network, you are billed a rating on abuttal charge. This is regardless of whether you use this service or not.

A rating on abuttal charge reflects the availability of the service should you or future owners choose to connect it to the property. The sewerage network has been designed to make this connection available, which adds value to your property.

To find out more, you may like to read our pricing policy statements.

How we set our sewerage prices

  • Water and sewerage prices are set together with the South Australian Government, and within the revenue caps regulated by the Essential Services Commission of South Australia.
  • When setting prices, we consider many factors including the cost to operate, maintain and improve how we deliver a reliable water supply, dependable sewerage service and increase the use of recycled water for community benefit.
  • The South Australian Government is committed to state-wide pricing and the principles outlined in the National Water Initiative.