Supporting housing growth

Supporting housing growth

Investing in our networks

We are investing $1.5 billion through to 2028 to expand our networks to support housing growth and ensure our community and future generations have access to reliable water and wastewater services. As part of the South Australian Government’s Housing Roadmap, we are building and upgrading large scale infrastructure, to enable an additional 11,000 homes in new development areas.

Unlocking new homes for the future

This significant investment represents the largest expansion of our metropolitan water and wastewater network in decades, establishing a foundation to unlock an ultimate servicing capacity for 50,000 new homes by the 2050s with future investment. Keeping pace with the increasing demands on our pipes, pump stations, tanks, and treatment facilities will ensure they can effectively service our existing customers while preparing for future needs.

Delivering critical infrastructure

The delivery of this critical infrastructure will involve complex and extensive work along major arterial roads and residential streets, primarily throughout Adelaide’s north. During peak construction, we will be operating across multiple fronts and will work closely with the local communities to manage and minimise disruptions and deliver this important work as quickly and safely as we can.

Construction industry opportunities

Our investment is driving a range of new supply chain needs and tenders across our business, bringing opportunities for the construction industry.

See our two-year forward plan for an overview of our upcoming capital works program with opportunities for across 6 areas:

  1. major projects
  1. water civil
  1. water solutions
  1. wastewater
  1. regional
  1. minor works.

Tender opportunities are published at

Register to receive information about upcoming tender opportunities at

Two construction workers measuring a large water main prior to installing

In November 2024 we briefed the construction industry on our two-year forward capital construction plan through to 2026 which will grow and maintain our water and wastewater networks. It covered our procurement approach and opportunities for the construction industry to get involved.