Important information before you continue
You’ll need to provide the property owner’s 10-digit account number.
We have made changes to the way managing agents nominate as an authorised party on a property owner’s account. From February 2025, your customer will be required to complete and sign a managing agent authorisation form nominating you as an authorised party on their account. The form will need to be uploaded as part of this request.
Until the Managing Agent authorisation form becomes mandatory in February 2025, uploading the form is optional.
Important information before you continue
This form provides written notification to us to remove you from the account. Please note, bills and billing communications you previously received, like high water use alerts and bill reminders, will now go to the property owner.
You’ll need the property owner’s 10 digit account number to complete this request. You can find it on the top right hand corner of the property owner’s SA Water bill.