Pirku-Itya (Reconciliation Partnerships Program)

Pirku-Itya (Reconciliation Partnerships Program)

Pirku-Itya is a Kaurna word meaning ‘for community’ and our partnership program is focused on grassroots community events and projects run by not for profit organisations that contribute to reconciliation in South Australia.

To be eligible, your projects and events need to support stronger communities through reconciliation-based activities and have a clear link to water use and our vision of delivering trusted water services for a sustainable and healthy South Australia.

We are looking for groups who are promoting the health and wellbeing of active, thriving communities through a cooler or greener environment, or are showcasing proactive environmental leadership.

This program runs annually following the financial calendar year. Pirku-itya is available for organisations to apply for sponsorship of up to $10,000 per partnership.


Applicants must demonstrate:

  • they are a not-for-profit South Australian organisation that is Aboriginal owned and/or operated, or they have Aboriginal community relationships through involvement and outcomes that have a direct and positive impact for Aboriginal people
  • a clear link to reconciliation in action
  • how the sponsorship will create reconciliation opportunities in your community or your sphere of influence, and support communities to design and implement reconciliation-based activities
  • alignment with our vision: delivering trusted water services for a sustainable and healthy South Australia.

Please note: projects that span multiple years, or require recurrent funding are unable to be supported through this program.

What your organisation will need to cover

  • administration costs (including wages)
  • sitting fees
  • travel/or other costs associated with applying for this program.

Responsibilities for successful applications

    You will need to:

  • enter into an agreement which includes a work plan and describes how and when the funding will be used and how the project will be implemented
  • complete the project activities as agreed in the work plan
  • ensure activities are conducted in accordance with sound environmental and safety practices, and do not impact on environmental and cultural values
  • ensure legally binding agreements are in place for all partnerships
  • proactively engage SA Water in activities and events where appropriate
  • submit photos, progress reports and be available for media interviews as requested
  • complete the evaluation form at the end of the program or event

What we don’t support

We do not accept applications for sponsorships that support:

  • individuals
  • any project, program or event related to gambling
  • events that promote the consumption of alcohol as its core activity (such as wine festivals)
  • organisations we are already engaged in a formal arrangement with, such as a Memorandum of Understanding or contractual agreement
  • projects, programs or events where there is a real or perceived conflict of interest with an existing partnership, business or sponsorship activity.

We are not able to make charitable donations or support projects that span multiple years or require recurrent funding.


All partnered programs and events will be required to provide a self-evaluation upon completion of the event or initiative. If participating organisations are unable to deliver the agreed benefits or the evaluation is not provided within the required timeframe, the organisation may not be considered for future partnership opportunities. Legally binding agreements are in place for all Reconciliation Partnerships.

For more information

If you have any questions or require more information on Pirku-Itya, please contact us at rappartnerships@sawater.com.au

Use of Kaurna language in this program has been provided and approved by Jack Buckskin - Chair of the Kaurna Language Committee

Successful applicants for our 2022-23 program

Tauondi Aboriginal Corporation

Revitalisation of Tauondi Cultural Ground

Upgrading Tauondi’s outdoor cultural ground to perform cultural practices including storytelling, dancing, cultural cooking and smoking ceremonies around the fire pit.

Australian Science and Mathematics School

Indigenous Garden Renewal

Using culturally and environmentally restorative plantings to demonstrate climate change resilient practices and telling the story of the local culture and links through a mural.

Aboriginal Sobriety Group Indigenous Corporation

Jerry Mason Senior Memorial Centre Community Garden

Creation of wicking beds with water reservoirs at the base to water plants from below rather than above, providing the optimal amount of water for plants, and using significantly less water in the process.

Flinders View Primary School and Preschool

Bush Garden

Establishing an outdoor classroom with interactive signage connecting to the learning the students have done about the uses of various plants in traditional and modern Aboriginal culture and creating better accessibility for all those who enter the garden.

Adelaide Contemporary Experimental

Film Project and Public Program

Creating a film that ‘gives voice’ to the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth that will become a part of the collective river voices, as well as present a symposium on water and its cultural significance to South Australian Indigenous communities.

Viliwarinha Yura Aboriginal Corporation

Native Garden/Drought Resistant Landscaping

Planting a bush garden and medicinal plants around the soon to be established Yappala Art Gallery.