Success in habitat reconstruction at Frahns Farm


Success in habitat reconstruction at Frahns Farm

SA Water’s 2022-23 Community Partnerships Program has supported BioR, a grassroots group that reconstructs the native environment to support wildlife, in continuing their habitat reconstruction at Frahns Farm in Monarto.

Spanning over 500 hectares, BioR and their many volunteers each year plant around 40,000 tubestocks (small plants grown in containers) over more than 20 hectares, and BioR Director David Paton said these planting efforts are the first step in re-establishing native habitat to areas that have been cleared.

“The area is also direct-seeded with native grass and herb seeds prior to tubestock planting and once established, these new habitats will attract and support a wide range of woodland birds, many of which are declining in South Australia,” David said.

“Each year, more than a hundred different species are planted at Frahns Farm, including rare species such as the Monarto Mint, Silver Daisy and Menzel’s Wattle.

“The support received from SA Water has been wonderful because it enables ready access to water, which helps with growing the seeds to use in the direct seeding programs and, if required, allowed seedlings to be watered in their first year.”

The positive impact of BioR’s efforts is already apparent with up to 90 per cent of planted seedlings flourishing amongst swathes of native grasses and herbs.

“We are calling for volunteers to get involved in our 2024 BioR Planting Festival at Frahns Farm, which includes six community planting days over three weekends: 8-9, 15-16 and 22-23 June 2024,” David said.

“Visit BioR’s website at to book a day (or six!), and join hundreds of other volunteers in creating a positive impact on the environment.”

SA Water's General Manager of Customer, Community and Engagement David Coombe said this project aligns with the utility’s value of proactive environmental leadership, with the habitat playing a crucial role in creating a sustainable environment for animals and plants facing extinction due to habitat loss.

“Our Partnerships Program supports initiatives and events focusing on environmental sustainability, climate change, and community health and wellbeing, with applications now open for 2024-25,” David said.

“With more than 80 applications received for the current year’s program from groups across the state, we’re keen to see even more interest for the next round and to assist projects and events demonstrating the use of water for a sustainable and healthy community.”

For more information and to apply, visit





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