SA Water kicking goals in global sustainability movement


SA Water kicking goals in global sustainability movement

From enhancing the environment through its operations and influence to supporting a more inclusive workforce and services, SA Water is making significant progress in contributing to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The 17 interconnected goals are a blueprint for all countries to make positive change for people, the planet and prosperity by 2030, addressing global challenges related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.

SA Water has just completed its first year as a participant in the UN Global Compact, joining more than 12,000 signatories across the world committed to taking strategic actions to achieve the SDGs. The utility is also a signatory to the Australian water sector’s commitment to support the goals.

SA Water’s General Manager of Customers, Strategy and Innovation Anna Jackson said there are four main Sustainable Development Goals it is working to embed into its operations and policies, but Goal 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation – is core business.

“Every day we provide safe, clean drinking water and a reliable sewer service to more than 1.7 million South Australians, on average we recycle around 30 per cent of treated wastewater each year, and we aim to do all these activities in a sustainable and cost-effective way,” Anna said.

“Around 785 million people around the world don’t share the same privilege of water on tap and more than two billion people don’t have access to a working toilet, and that’s why we support organisations like WaterAid, who work in developing countries to improve sanitation services.

“We also share information with our customers via various channels, such as social media and school education programs, on how their water and wastewater systems work, to encourage an appreciation and understanding of these vital services.”

The three other Sustainable Development Goals in SA Water’s focus include Goal 10 (Reduced Inequalities), Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and Goal 13 (Climate Action).

“A significant step in reducing inequalities is embracing our role in working towards Reconciliation within our own workforce and the communities we support,” Anna said.

“This includes Aboriginal employment, retention and professional development programs; building cultural awareness across our organisation; and supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses as part of procurement strategies with our contractors and partners.

“We’re contributing to sustainable cities and communities through partnering with local government to implement smart irrigation for greener public parks and gardens, and installing more drinking fountains across the state to help decrease the use of single-use plastic bottles.

“Our intensive pumping, treatment and business operations generate greenhouse gas emissions, so to improve our climate action, we’re investing in more renewable energy, with our generation capacity now equivalent to reducing emissions by 89,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent a year.

“Significant contribution towards the goals is a work in progress, and we’re committed to continue putting meaningful actions in place with the wider community and water industry to help achieve them.”

To read SA Water’s 12 month progress report to the United Nations (UN), visit the UN Global Compact website, or for more information on the Australian water sector’s commitment to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals, go to the Water Services Association of Australia website.





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