Chickity-check yo’ meter for a leak these holidays


Chickity-check yo’ meter for a leak these holidays

Shutting up shop for the Christmas break? Heading to Grandma’s to be stuffed for Christmas? Time away from your home or business over the Christmas period is the perfect time to check your property for hidden internal leaks.

SA Water’s Senior Manager of Media and Communications Joshua Zugajev said a simple self-audit could lead to savings on your water bill.

“Internal leaks are quite sneaky and don’t always appear obvious to the naked eye,” Josh said.

“Slow drips from appliances like your hot water system or evaporative air conditioner can quickly add up, and the most common household leak – a running toilet cistern – can waste up to 260 litres of water per day!

“The first step in checking for leaks on your property is as simple as taking a photo of your water meter’s dial before leaving and comparing it with the reading after you return.

“If you notice a difference between the two numbers you weren’t expecting, it might indicate there’s a leak.

“Be alert to the ways water is typically used at your property and if you need to account for automated irrigation or a pool with backwash, or that tops up automatically."

Patches of damp soil and concrete, or greener than usual lawn and garden beds are tell-tale signs of a leak outside the property, whereas damp, warped or discoloured walls and carpet, and water pooling under appliances could indicate an internal leak.

Mr Zugajev said SA Water provides support to customers impacted by a hidden internal leak.

“We understand a higher than expected bill can be concerning and depending on the situation, we may be able to provide support to help reduce a customer’s bill if they’ve experienced an internal leak,” Josh said.

“We encourage anyone to give us a call on 1300 SA WATER if they’re not sure and we can walk through the process together.”

South Australians can find a licensed member of Master Plumbers Association of South Australia to repair leaks within their properties online at of by calling 08 8292 4000.





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