Banksia Park tank refurb a boost for local water supply


Banksia Park tank refurb a boost for local water supply

More than nine million litres of high-quality drinking water is again filling SA Water’s water storage tank in Banksia Park following refurbishments to improve customer water supply into the future.

Maintenance to the 8.5 metre-high, 39 metre-diametre concrete tank forms part of SA Water’s $89 million investment to refurbish around 70 storage tanks across the state between 2016 and 2020.

With the storage constructed more than 50 years ago, SA Water’s General Manager Asset Operations and Delivery Mark Gobbie said the refresh ensures water security and quality for local customers into the future.

“This is an important project for our local water network, with crews working to replace the tank’s roof beams and steel sheeting, remediate the existing concrete columns with fibre-reinforced plastic, and other general rehabilitation works to ensure our customers continue to enjoy safe, clean drinking water,” Mark said.

“We also needed to drain the tank of its more than 9 million litre capacity – the rough equivalent of almost four Olympic swimming pools - to allow our crews to safely access the inside of the structure to assess the walls and reinforced concrete pillars.

“Most of our customers in Banksia Park may not have even realised the project was being undertaken, which is a testament to the careful planning by the team to ensure the area’s normal water supply operations were not impacted while the repairs took place.”

The storage tank has returned to supplying the network after approximately 15 weeks offline, with only minor tidy-up works left to complete at the tank site.

“There are more than 15,000 customers in the Banksia Park area that rely on this tank to deliver safe, clean drinking water everyday to their taps, and we’re excited to see these important works done to benefit the local water network for years to come,” Mark said.

SA Water's tank rehabilitation and renewal program helps secure the reliability of water supply for its customers around metropolitan and regional South Australia.

More Information on the program can be found at





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