APY’s Kaltjiti community sports new treatment plant


APY’s Kaltjiti community sports new treatment plant

A new solar-powered desalination plant is now up and running at Kaltjiti in the state’s Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands, as part of SA Water’s continued efforts to deliver safe and reliable drinking water to local communities.

Delivering high-quality drinking water to the remote Aboriginal community, the small-scale reverse osmosis plant can produce up to 120,000 litres of water each day.

SA Water’s General Manager of Operations Chris Young said the new and improved facility replaces Kaltjiti’s existing water treatment plant, which was constructed in 2005.

“Having worked closely with communities across the APY Lands for many years, we understand the important role that a sustainable water source plays in maintaining public health and hydration, as well as facilitating future growth and development,” Chris said.

“Using the process of reverse osmosis, the plant removes any naturally-occurring impurities like high levels of salinity, which are found in many of Australia’s inland groundwater sources, as well as managing levels of naturally-occurring fluoride in line with the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (2011), before delivering the high-quality drinking water to the community.

“Like many of our remote treatment sites, the plant is also fitted with a high-tech computer system which can be remotely monitored and controlled by our people, meaning any required faults or maintenance can be identified early and repaired as needed by our team or local contractors.

“In our path to becoming proactive environmental leaders, the plant is also fitted with 38 kilowatts of solar panels and additional battery storage, helping to harness the region’s traditionally warm and sunny weather to reduce carbon emissions and our reliance on power from the local grid.”

“With the existing plant reaching the end of its useful life, Kaltjiti’s new desalination plant will help us to continue providing sustainable water services to the local community well into the future.”

SA Water manages water supplies and/or wastewater disposal systems in 13 Aboriginal communities and government facilities in the APY Lands – Indulkana, Mimili, Kaltjiti (Fregon), Umuwa, Pukatja (Ernabella), Yunyarinyi (Kenmore Park), Amata, Pipalyatjara, Kalka, Kanpi, Nyapari, Murputja and Watinuma.

Included in these operations are 62 bores – 15 of which are solar-powered – five desalination plants and one wastewater treatment plant.





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