Angaston water pipe replacement rolls on


Angaston water pipe replacement rolls on

A water main upgrade in Angaston is just one of the planned projects SA Water is continuing work on, to support the reliability of services to its customers and the state’s economy.

The installation of around 1180 meters of main on Penrice Road – between Murray Street and Breakneck Hill Road – began in mid-March and aims to improve water pressure and flow issues currently experienced by some local residents, primarily at peak demand times in the morning and evening.

SA Water’s General Manager of Asset Operations and Delivery Mark Gobbie said providing a safe, reliable supply of drinking water to South Australians remains priority, but it’s also committed to protecting the health of crews and the communities they interact with.

“Our crew at Angaston, along with those at SA Water construction sites right across the state, is making sure to maintain strict hygiene and social distancing measures as best they can,” Mark said.

“If you see any of our team members working in your street, we ask you to do the same, so we all stay healthy.

“By continuing to carry out essential works like this, we’re not only keeping the water and wastewater services going, we’re also doing our part in supporting the economy, by keeping our people and contractors in work.”

The water main upgrade on Penrice Road is on track for completion by the end of May.

“Significant residential and industry growth in recent years means the existing 100-millimetre-diameter main can no longer adequately manage the subsequent large volume of water and the pressure required to transport it, so we’re replacing it with a pipe double the size,” Mark said.

“This will allow more water to flow through the network during periods of higher demand and in turn improve overall pressure-related challenges.

“Local residents may start to notice some changes on site, with the crew bringing in extra specialised equipment to break through underground rock found during excavation.”

Complementary to the water main installation, SA Water has also altered the operation of the Angaston water pump station to increase water pressure during peak demand times, and worked with a local vineyard to schedule their irrigation at night, to assist with alleviating demand on this part of the network during the day.

The effectiveness of all these measures on better managing water pressure and flow will continue to be monitored.





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