Water network upgrades pave way for Plains growth


Water network upgrades pave way for Plains growth

Major water main upgrades have commenced in Two Wells and Lewiston as part of SA Water’s $7.5 million investment in improving water pressure and enabling ongoing growth across the Northern Adelaide Plains.

During the next four months, more than 4,500 metres of new water mains will be laid along Secomb Road and Hayman Road in Two Wells, Gawler Road in Lewiston and Parkers Road in Ward Belt, connecting to the local distribution network.

SA Water General Manager Asset Operations and Delivery Amanda Lewry said the upgrade was one of the utility’s first shovel ready projects of its four-year, $1.6 billion capital program.

“We’re delivering a diverse portfolio of projects over the next four years to sustain and enhance our water network, and our work kicking off across the Northern Adelaide Plains will secure reliable water supplies for customers into the future,” Amanda said.

“The region is experiencing significant urban development and our upgrades are designed to ensure we can support continued growth as the local population rises.

“Several of the trunk water mains that carry large volumes of water from one area of the network to another will be replaced and upsized, and others that are young and in sound condition will be duplicated.

“Constructing additional trunk mains and increasing the diameter of pipes we replace generates greater capacity and flow, preparing the network for the area’s ongoing residential and business expansion.

“Importantly, the upgrade will help overcome water pressure issues in the local network and improve our customers’ day to day water use experience.”

Following completion of works in Two Wells, Lewiston and Ward Belt, SA Water will begin further upgrades across Concordia and Willaston, which will see around 1,700 metres of new water mains laid to secure safe, clean water for new homes and businesses.

“The McConnell Dowell/Diona team is delivering this project for us and they’ve made great progress with more than 1,000 metres of pipe installed so far,” Amanda said.

“As the upgrade rolls on, we’ll ensure local residents are notified of any temporary water supply interruptions that are necessary when the new mains are brought online.”





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