Water main connecting new community hubs in Mount Barker


Water main connecting new community hubs in Mount Barker

SA Water has begun works to install around 400 metres of new water main in Mount Barker, which will connect the new local ambulance station and Regional Aquatic and Leisure Centre to the local network, ahead of the sites opening in 2025.

The new pipe, which is being laid beneath Bald Hills Road, will ensure a continued reliable supply of water to these key community hubs once operational.

SA Water’s General Manager of Sustainable Infrastructure Amanda Lewry said the project will accommodate the growing needs of the community by connecting the two sites to drinking water and continue growing South Australia’s water infrastructure.

“A reliable supply of water is central to protecting public health and underpins economic growth, through this project we’re introducing services that support the prosperity of the Mount Barker community,” Amanda said.

“The new water main is made out of PVC, which is known for its better flexibility and resistance to movement, compared to fibro-cement, and traditionally has a lifespan of approximately 100 years.

Expected to take around two weeks to complete, the works on Bald Hills Road will typically occur from Monday to Friday between 8.00am and 4pm.

“Together with our contractors, we’re committed to minimising any impacts to the community during construction, such as dust or noise caused by the use of heavy machinery and increased vehicle movement in and out of our worksite,” Amanda said.

"For everyone’s safety, we ask residents and people travelling through the area to be aware of changed traffic conditions while works are underway.

“There will also be reduced access to the Laratinga Wetlands carpark for several days during the works, with signage in place at the site.”

For more information on where SA Water is renewing water mains across the state, take a look at the interactive map at sawater.com.au.





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