SA Water well positioned to maintain reliable services


SA Water well positioned to maintain reliable services

SA Water is reassuring its customers across South Australia it is well equipped to ensure essential drinking water and sewer services continue to be safe and reliable, with measures in place to protect the health of its people and continuity of operations.

These actions are aligned with recommendations from the Australian Department of Health and SA Health, and are continually assessed based on any new developments.

SA Water’s General Manager of Strategy, Engagement and Innovation Anna Jackson said providing water and sewer services is the utility’s core business, and that’s where it’s focus will remain.

“Our core functions are to protect public health and we don’t take that responsibility lightly, so we have strategies in place to respond to urgent events, including the one we’re currently all experiencing,” Anna said.

“This includes practical preparation like the setup of technology to support remote working and rapid communication with our customers, to having specialists across a range of fields who can quickly and effectively manage any challenges, to maintaining a sufficient inventory of supplies such as back-up generators or spare parts.”

“Some of our specialist teams have been separated across different locations, and where practicable, our front-line teams will continue to implement social distancing measures when working and interacting with the community.”

Should SA Water begin to experience personnel impacts, it will prioritise planned and reactive works that impact services to customers, such as water main break repairs or sewer overflows. Non-essential jobs not impacting existing services to customers will be deferred.

“We’ll still be here if you need us. Our Customer Care Centre is on hand to take calls about network faults or account enquiries, and you can also email us or visit the SA Water website,” Anna said.

“We’ll be playing our part in contributing to the bigger community goal of actively slowing the rate of transmission of the COVID-19 virus.”





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