SA Water partners up to tell stories of Port Vincent water


SA Water partners up to tell stories of Port Vincent water

Port Vincent's soon-to-be painted water tower will be accompanied by a series of educational storyboards, thanks to financial support provided to the Port Vincent Progress Association through SA Water's Community Partnerships Program.

Announced as one of the program's nine recipients for 2020-21, the partnership will provide $10,000 to the progress association to install a series of storyboards providing information to residents and visitors about the history and importance of water to Port Vincent and the broader Yorke Peninsula.

The initiative will complement an existing project to paint the town's water tower with a mural, which is scheduled to be completed later this year by South Australian artist Vans The Omega.

Port Vincent Progress Association Committee Member Sue Hall said the partnership will also facilitate the installation of seating and drought-tolerant shrubs at the mural site.

"We are most grateful for the support received through the Community Partnerships Program, which will allow these storyboards to be interactive and enhance the overall art project to create a terrific experience," Sue said.

"This is such an exciting community project for the residents and visitors to Port Vincent and the wider Yorke Peninsula, and we can’t wait to see the final product."

SA Water's annual Community Partnerships Program provides $75,000 to support local community groups deliver events and projects that foster a better life in communities across regional and metropolitan South Australia.

SA Water's General Manager Customers, Strategy and Innovation Anna Jackson said the project will provide a terrific educational tool for the region's four major schools.

"These story boards will be a great addition to the soon-to-be colorful water tower to explain where the local water is sourced, how it is supplied, and the future of water sustainability in South Australia," Anna said.

"The initiative will provide a real boost to the Yorke Peninsula community and the thousands of visitors to the region every year, and we look forward to seeing these boards popping-up over the coming months."

To see the full list of successful recipients of the 2020-21 Community Partnerships Program, visit





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