SA Water partners-up to support Reconciliation


SA Water partners-up to support Reconciliation

From a new Flinders Ranges cultural heritage museum to creating a native foods garden on the Yorke Peninsula, SA Water is excited to forge seven new partnerships with grassroots groups and events making a difference for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, as part of its inaugural Reconciliation Partnerships Program.

Called Pirku-Itya, the Kaurna word meaning 'for community', the program provides financial support to organisations and communities for events and endeavours which support important Reconciliation outcomes.

SA Water's General Manager of Strategy, Engagement and Innovation Anna Jackson said each of the successful projects will make a positive difference in their local communities.

"We want to continue towards our goal of maintaining long and respectful relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and a key part of our stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2020-2023 is building on this through meaningful community partnerships," Anna said.

"Born from our RAP, this program is all about working together with local groups and organisations from across South Australia who, like us, are dedicated to making strides towards Reconciliation.

"It is clear through the terrific response from our application call-out there are many local events and community groups who are making a difference, and we look forward to seeing all seven of the program's exciting initiatives getting off the ground over the coming months."

The successful programs of the 2020-21 Pirku-Itya Reconciliation Partnerships Program include:

  • Working on a project to build secure fencing around important burial sites in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands (APY Lands) with the Regional Anangu Aboriginal Corporation.
  • Supporting a new community garden installation with Berri's Aboriginal Sobriety Group.
  • Helping the Nipapanha Aboriginal Community Corporation to create a cultural heritage museum at Irish Well Hut in the northern Flinders Ranges.
  • Establishing a native foods garden for the Moonta community to enjoy together with the Nharangga Aboriginal Progress Association.
  • Partnering with Housing Choices SA to support a new financial literacy program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents.
  • Working together with the Raukkan Community Council - the elected body of the small Aboriginal community in the Coorong region - to install a water play feature in the town centre.
  • Working in partnership with the Aboriginal Basketball Academy to deliver camps and clinics to around 800 school children, encouraging healthy life choices and school completion.

More Information on the 2020-21 Pirku-Itya Reconciliation Partnership Program is available at





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