Riverlanders invited to talk all things tap water


Riverlanders invited to talk all things tap water

SA Water is calling on members of the Waikerie and Renmark communities to share a cuppa and a conversation with them in the Riverland this week, as part of proactive efforts by the utility to better understand the region’s tap water.

Insights gathered through community drop-in sessions in each town on Tuesday and Wednesday will help to guide SA Water’s long-term planning about potential improvements to drinking water quality in regional South Australia.

SA Water’s Senior Manager Waster Expertise and Research Dr Daniel Hoefel said the informal drop-in sessions are among many held across the state this year.

“Understanding the personal preference and feedback from customers is an important part of how we can continually improve the services we provide to our customers, and we particularly want to hear from our local customers in Waikerie and Renmark about their thoughts and experiences relating to their tap water,” Daniel said.

“From information on how our customers use their tap water on a day-to-day basis to any thoughts on the odour or taste of their water supply, our team is gathering as much feedback as possible to inform our business decisions into the future, particularly during our next regulatory period of 2024-28.

“The end results will assist us in developing long-term plans to address any areas of regional South Australia where the local drinking water supply – while regularly tested by our water quality experts and certified as safe to drink under the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (2011) – may face unique aesthetic challenges.

“For those unable to pop in for a chat with our team on the day, our customers in each local area can still let us know their feedback through an online survey over the coming month.”

"Coming along to our drop-in sessions or completing the online survey is your opportunity to join the discussion and make a real difference to the way we deliver your water services.”

The conversations will take place in:

  • Waikerie – Tuesday 7 September at the Waikerie Hotel between 11am and 1pm
  • Renmark – Wednesday 8September at the Renmark Club between 9am and 11am

To complete the online survey or request a chat with SA Water, visit watertalks.sawater.com.au.





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