Pipeline renewal secures future supply for SA regions


Pipeline renewal secures future supply for SA regions

A major renewal of up to 34 kilometres of SA Water’s Morgan to Whyalla Pipeline – including sections in Burra, Lindley and Winninowie – is set to commence in the next few months as part of the utility’s $62 million investment securing reliable water services for 100,000 regional customers into the future.

For nearly 80 years, the Morgan to Whyalla Pipeline has transferred large volumes of drinking water – produced at SA Water’s Morgan Water Treatment Plant in the Riverland – to supply homes and businesses across the Mid North, Yorke Peninsula and Eyre Peninsula including major towns like Port Augusta and Port Pirie.

SA Water’s General Manager of Sustainable Infrastructure Amanda Lewry said new sections of pipeline will be constructed in parallel to the existing infrastructure, to minimise interruption to customers’ water supply.

“Our Morgan to Whyalla Pipeline provides safe, clean water to customers throughout regional South Australia and many large businesses depend on a reliable supply to enable their processes, and by duplicating sections of the pipeline, we’re able to keep the water flowing during this important project,” Amanda said.

“The new sections will be constructed using mild steel cement-lined pipe and feature a modern, specialised external coating to ensure the pipe’s durability.

“We’re prioritising sections of the pipeline for renewal based on condition assessments and performance, with the long-term program helping secure regional SA’s water supply into the future and preparing the network for ongoing residential and business growth.

“This initial stage of the renewal is part of our four-year, $1.6 billion capital program which will deliver a diverse portfolio of projects to sustain and enhance our water network while improving services for our customers.”

Completed in 1944, the Morgan to Whyalla Pipeline moves high-quality, treated River Murray water through 358 kilometres of above ground pipe.

Ms Lewry said SA Water is keen to hear from local contractors interested in supporting the major project.

“With a state-wide network and continued focus on upgrading our infrastructure, there’s often opportunities to work together and support local businesses and communities while completing projects,” Amanda said.

“An important part of delivering the pipeline renewal will be working with our lead contractors, the McConnell Dowell/Diona team, to connect with local contractors in Morgan ahead of work commencing.

“Keeping it local, where possible, can lead to a positive economic and social impact for the community we’re working within, while enabling us to tap into their expertise and knowledge for the benefit of our wider project.

“We’re interested in partnering with businesses who may be able to provide opportunities for accommodation, catering, and construction services, including earthmoving, while around 50 full-time crew members are based in Morgan.”

Interested businesses are encouraged to visit watertalks.sawater.com.au for more information.





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