People power guides Myponga’s mural makeover


People power guides Myponga’s mural makeover

The final brushstrokes have been painted on an incredible new mural at the Myponga Reservoir Reserve, adding yet another attraction to the hugely popular site, for the community to enjoy.

The red brick pump station inside the reserve’s Hanson Street entrance has been given a new lease on life by Fleurieu artist Chad Spencer, with the final design voted on by the general public.

SA Water’s General Manager of Strategy, Engagement and Innovation Anna Jackson said the artwork is another string to the bow of Myponga’s already roaring success.

“Since opening for recreational access in early 2019, more than 100,000 people have walked, kayaked, fished and explored the Myponga Reservoir Reserve,” Anna said.

“It is fair to say the outside of the pump station was in need of a facelift to make it more of a community asset, and through an online poll showcasing three designs, the community was able to have their say on what artwork they would like to decorate the building.

“Covering all four of the pump station’s three-metre-high walls, the final work features key aspects of the Myponga and Fleurieu area, such as the old butter factory, endangered Southern Emu Wren, and of course the Myponga Reservoir.

“The end product is amazing, and I encourage everyone to head out to Myponga and feast their eyes on the reservoir’s newest attraction.”

Artist Chad Spencer said the design, titled ‘Lovely Valley’ in honour of an earlier European name for the area, took around one week to complete.

“I carefully listened to the community’s response on what they thought were the right things to celebrate on this mural, and I feel completely privileged to be a part of this project,” Chad said.

“There are a lot of natural elements included in the design, and I particularly chose two birds – the Southern Emu Wren and beautiful Scarlet Robin – that are critically important to the local area.

“Fishing and kayaking were also obvious choices due to the new public access of the reservoir reserve, and I wanted to represent that from the point of view of being behind the person in the kayak and looking across the reservoir at all of the potential spots to explore.”





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