New water main piping into Port MacDonnell


New water main piping into Port MacDonnell

SA Water has begun work to install around 509 metres of new water main in Port MacDonnell, providing greater water security for the local community.

The new pipe, which is being laid beneath Church Street and Elizabeth Street, at the intersection with Standish Street, is part of SA Water’s four-year, $155 million water main management program.

SA Water’s General Manager of Sustainable Infrastructure Amanda Lewry said this upgrade is a great example of ongoing investment in regional areas to ensure a reliable supply of safe, clean water for homes and businesses.

“These works are among a proposed 40,000 metres of water main going in the ground across regional South Australia during 2022-23,” Amanda said.

“We use PVC pipes for the majority of our water main replacement program, which are known for their better flexibility and resistance to movement.

“While it’s difficult to completely stop water main leaks and breaks from occurring due to soil movement, weather and a variety of other environmental factors, we’re committed to proactively limiting their frequency and any potential impact on our customers.

“With the new pipes having an approximate life span of up to 100 years, this project ensures we can keep providing the Port MacDonnell community with reliable water services for years to come.”

Construction is expected to be completed in mid December, with works typically occurring Monday to Friday between 7am and 5pm.

“Together with our contractors, we’re committed to minimising any impacts to the community during construction, such as dust or noise caused by the use of heavy machinery and increased vehicle movement in and out of our worksite,” Amanda said.

“To safely facilitate this project, we ask road users to please take note of traffic management in place while our crews are on site.

“As work progresses, we will also ensure our customers are notified of any temporary water supply interruptions that are necessary when moving connections over from the old to new pipes.”

For more information on where SA Water is upgrading water mains around the state, visit the interactive map at





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