Myponga gets set to join the parkrun family


Myponga gets set to join the parkrun family

Fleurieu fitness fanatics unite – the pace is about to get even quicker at Myponga Reservoir Reserve, with parkrun Australia set to launch its free, weekly, community event next month.

As part of the global exercise movement, every Saturday morning, thousands of fitness lovers come together at more than 2,000 locations across 23 countries to walk, jog, run or volunteer at their local event.

Each week from 9 April, walkers and runners at Myponga will set off on the five-kilometre trail loop from the reserve’s internal car park and head in a clockwise direction, navigating their way through scenic landscapes while enjoying views over the water.

SA Water’s Senior Manager of Media, Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Joshua Zugajev said the regular event provides another opportunity for visitors to enjoy Myponga Reservoir Reserve.

“South Australia’s reservoir reserves are wonderful spaces for people to connect and it’s fantastic to see how they’re helping foster the health and wellbeing of active, thriving communities,” Joshua said.

“Following parkrun starting at our South Para Reservoir Reserve in June last year, parkrun Australia will soon launch at Myponga and expand the number of courses available to the community.

“The unsealed trail loop within Myponga dashes through open plains and native vegetation on the western side with a few uphill and downhill thrills, before taking you to the edge of the site’s distinctive pine forest, which offers spectacular views of the reservoir peeking through the trees.

“Myponga’s reserve has around 240 hectares accessible to the public and with more than 10 kilometres of trails there will be plenty of room for other visitors to continue enjoying the space while parkrun hold their weekly event.”

Founded in 2004, parkrun holds a timed five-kilometre walk, jog or run every weekend, including a two-kilometre version for junior runners, and is organised by a group of location-specific volunteers.

Whether it’s for a walk, jog or run, everyone can get involved by registering for free online at





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