KI customers asked to limit water use as a result of fire


KI customers asked to limit water use as a result of fire

11:15 am, 4 January 2020

Kangaroo Island residents and visitors are asked to limit non-essential drinking water use, following indicators the bushfires have impacted the Middle River Water Treatment Plant and pumping operations that supply drinking water to our customers in Kingscote, Parndana and surrounding areas.

While the Penneshaw Desalination Plant and supply network is currently unaffected and operating normally, customers in this area should also limit non-essential drinking water use so this network can be used to supplement Kingscote if required.

As soon as it is safe to do so, CFS personnel will escort SA Water staff to inspect the state of the Middle River water supply network infrastructure to assess any damage and begin planning the work required to restore operations.

SA Water General Manager Asset Operations and Delivery Mark Gobbie said their people will work as quickly and safely as possible. “Our priority is maintaining water supply for the Island’s residents and visitors, but we must keep our people safe and ensure we don’t slow down the important work of the CFS,” said Mark.

“Deferring non-essential activities such as washing laundry and cars or watering lawns, will help preserve the water storage levels in both the Kingscote and Penneshaw networks to ensure it is available for drinking and responding to small spot fires.

“We’re planning interim arrangements to maintain and supplement drinking water supplies and will share details of how to access them once they are in place.”

Kangaroo Island residents should visit or follow SA Water on Facebook and Twitter for updates on services, and anyone in urgent need of assistance should call 1300 SA WATER.

For further information contact SA Water’s media team on 08 7424 2477





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