Funding up for grabs in grassroots reservoir program


Funding up for grabs in grassroots reservoir program

Community groups can now apply for up to $10,000 in funding to host events or projects at South Australia’s reservoir reserves open for recreational access, as part of SA Water’s Reservoirs Partnership Program.

The program – already supporting three grassroots initiatives through the 2021-22 funding round – is open to not-for-profit organisations looking to connect communities with nature and recreation.

SA Water’s General Manager of Strategy, Engagement and Innovation Nicola Murphy said reservoir reserves are brimming with opportunities for community groups to come together and celebrate their natural beauty.

“We’re excited to hear fresh ideas from the community about how we can partner with them to enhance the visitor experience at the state’s reservoir reserves and deliver initiatives that promote the health and wellbeing of our communities,” Nicola said.

“Our grassroots program supports groups with a concept for an event or project that champions conservation of the environment, encourages outdoor recreation, or helps educate communities on the importance of our natural environment and water sources.

“There’s an abundance of opportunities for new initiatives combining adventure and education, by tapping into the range of recreational activities and the native flora and fauna calling these natural spaces home.

“Proudly, we’ve helped get some amazing initiatives off the ground in the past two years, and our current crop of partners have set the bar high for anyone hoping to apply this year!”

A new nature-based education program for home school families, a habitat improvement project for local fish, and kayak training and tours for youth volunteers were the successful recipients of financial support as part of the 2021-22 funding round.

Chief Executive Officer David Wark from 2021-22 partner, Operation Flinders, said their funding will enable a new kayaking program for young people at Happy Valley Reservoir Reserve later in the year, as part of a follow-up program.

"It will directly provide training for some of our volunteers and young people from our 'Next Step' program, which is offered to past participants of our outback intervention program who will then facilitate tours on the beautiful Happy Valley Reservoir during the upcoming spring and summer," David said.

"Our Next Step program is all about giving young people the chance to thrive while learning new outdoors skills, and we're grateful for SA Water's support in helping deliver this wonderful experience."

More information about applying for the Reservoirs Partnership Program – which closes at 5pm on Friday 2 September – can be found at





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