Exciting projects unveiled for South Australia’s reservoir reserves


Exciting projects unveiled for South Australia’s reservoir reserves

Monitoring the activity of Murray Cod, a community walking event, empowering women through kayaking workshops and facilitating family sessions fostering a deeper connection to nature are the successful recipients of SA Water’s 2023-24 Reservoirs Partnership Program.

The annual program supports grassroots events and projects held at South Australia’s reservoir reserves, with  up to $10,000 available for each recipient.

SA Water’s Manager of Land Catchments and Recreation Dr Brooke Swaffer said the program fosters collaboration with grassroot organisations, promoting various activities across open access reservoirs to enhance community wellbeing and conservation efforts.

“Our program supports projects that focus on conservation, outdoor recreation and education around the significance of natural environments and water resources,” Brooke said.

"This year's recipients represent a diverse range of community groups, showcasing available recreational opportunities and initiatives aimed at educating the community about the environment and conservation of our reservoir reserves.

“Through one of the 2023-24 partnerships, Recfish SA will monitor the breeding activity of the endangered Murray Cod at Happy Valley and Myponga reservoirs.

“An underwater camera will monitor fish behaviour and explore how to establish a sustainable fish population through natural reproduction.

“Walking SA has received support for their 'Walk on Water' event at Myponga Reservoir Reserve, aligning perfectly with our vision to encourage bushwalking activities and community connection with our reserves.

“Participants can choose between a four or eight-kilometre walk, with the event promoting the health and wellbeing benefits associated with walking.

“Paddle SA will operate six ’come and try’ kayaking sessions on Happy Valley Reservoir, encouraging women and girls to feel confident when paddling on open waterways.

“Along with physical benefits, positive outcomes from this initiative include water safety education and awareness, and developing skills to enable participants to paddle with confidence.

“Nature Play SA is planning sessions across four reservoir reserves, promoting cultural connection, nature appreciation and family engagement.

“These sessions will involve a nature walk with cultural elements, followed by an art workshop, co-facilitated with a Kaurna artist.

“We look forward to working with each recipient over the coming months and are excited to see the positive impact these projects will have on the community, healthy lifestyles and promoting sustainable interactions with our water resources.”

For more information on SA Water’s Reservoirs Partnership Program, visit sawater.com.au.





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