Community conversations continue on EP desal project


Community conversations continue on EP desal project

Following the announcement of a preferred site for a proposed desalination plant on Eyre Peninsula, SA Water has this week begun the next stage of community discussions about the project.

Drop-in information sessions are scheduled over the next two weeks in Port Lincoln, Cleve, Kimba, Ceduna and Streaky Bay, which are all communities that will benefit from the new climate independent water source.

This engagement continues in parallel with ongoing discussions with local industry, including a dedicated industry reference group, comprising representatives from local government, aquaculture, tourism and various State Government agencies.

SA Water General Manager of Sustainable Infrastructure Amanda Lewry said in the most recent meeting of this group, the utility shared details of an independently-facilitated multi criteria analysis (MCA), which helped support the complex decision-making process behind the selection of Billy Lights Point as the best location for a desalination plant.

"The MCA was used to assess 20 sites - and then within this, a shortlist of six potential locations - around Port Lincoln and lower Eyre Peninsula, against weighted criteria, including environmental, social, financial and technical," Amanda said.

"25 subject matter experts took part in this process, including people based in Port Lincoln, with both desktop analysis and numerous physical site inspections carried out this year.

"Documents associated with the MCA are available for everyone to view online, and an overview is provided at the community information sessions.

"We've held more than 20 individual and group sessions with the local industry this year, and regular industry reference group meetings will be ongoing to ensure their insights and priorities continue to inform the remaining planning and design phases."

With Billy Lights Point now identified as the preferred location for above ground infrastructure to be constructed as part of the desalination project, detailed assessments are progressing to determine the positioning of marine infrastructure in the nearby Boston Bay.

"This includes the intake (where the plant will draw in seawater) and the outfall (where the plant will disperse saline concentrate from the desalination process)," Amanda said.

"The location of the intake pipe can be designed to avoid impact on mussel spat, fish and other marine life, and we're working with local industry and the South Australian Research and Development Institute to build a particle tracking model which will show movements in the bays and inform pipe placement.

"Using a series of specialised diffusers, the outfall can be designed to adequately disperse concentrated seawater in a range of flow conditions - including during no flow - assisted by a flushing rate in the bays many times greater than what the plant will discharge, mitigating any negative impact on seawater quality.

"In addition to ensuring long-term water security for the Eyre Peninsula, our objective in the construction of this infrastructure is the same as local industry representatives - maintaining the existing quality of the local environment.

"As part of this stage of the planning and design process, we will complete more than 20 scientific studies to build on existing data about Boston and Proper Bays, with all of these already underway.

"This includes water quality monitoring, bathymetry and hydrodynamic modelling, seagrass mapping, current and tide analysis, and the use of baited underwater cameras to monitor local marine life.

"This package of information will help to inform decisions of approving regulators, who will also establish key conditions we must meet before project approval, as well as during construction and operation, with some stages of this approval process also open for public comment.

"It will also demonstrate to the community that desalination plants and connecting marine infrastructure can be designed and operated to ensure they maintain the health of the environment."

For more information on the project and details on the community drop-in sessions, visit





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