Collaboration paves way for water and road upgrades


Collaboration paves way for water and road upgrades

Beginning this week, SA Water will undertake a range of water network modifications along Flagstaff Road in Darlington, to enable the Department for Infrastructure and Transport's (DIT) widening of a busy section of the southern suburbs' key travel route.

A fourth lane is being added to Flagstaff Road between Hyland Avenue and Bonneyview Road, making it a permanent two-lane carriageway, and SA Water will be installing a cross-connection pipe from the northern end of Hyland Avenue and underneath Flagstaff Road.

SA Water’s General Manager of Sustainable Infrastructure Amanda Lewry said as with all its projects across the state, the utility aims to work closely with other government agencies and councils to, where possible, align works and minimise any community impacts, and this is evidenced in the Darlington project.

"Our works will commence with the decommissioning of a nearby nine megalitre water storage tank, before we move on to the more complex pipe installation beneath Flagstaff Road," Amanda said.

"The tank makes up one of 14 located along the foothills which serve a contingency storage role, should another part of the local network lose power for example.

“A detailed assessment determined the Darlington tank and supporting infrastructure can now be augmented with the new cross-connection being put In place to divert water to the remaining tanks.

“Along with enabling a major road upgrade, the installation of a new connection pipe also ensures we can continue to provide a reliable supply of safe, clean water to our customers.”

The project, being undertaken with SA Water delivery partner John Holland Guidera O’Connor joint venture, is expected to take around eight weeks to complete, with tank decommissioning occurring from Monday to Saturday between 7am and 5pm, and pipe installation between 6pm and 8am from Sunday to Saturday.

“For the safety of our people and the local community, we ask residents and road users in the area to please take note of traffic management required during overnight works, including reduced speed and lane access," Amanda said.

“We’re committed to minimising any impacts to the community during construction, such as dust or noise caused by demolition of the tank, as well as the use of heavy machinery and increased vehicle movement in and out of our temporary site compound just off Hyland Avenue.

“We will also ensure residents and businesses are notified of any temporary water supply interruptions that are necessary when we connect the new pipe into the existing network.”





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