Pipeline project paused to protect local ecology


Pipeline project paused to protect local ecology

The start of SA Water’s renewal of the Morgan to Whyalla Pipeline has been postponed to 2023, with the utility prioritising additional environmental monitoring to help protect a newly-listed threatened native flora and fauna community.

Some sections of pipeline planned for replacement are within the Mallee Bird Community of the Murray Darling Depression Bioregion, which was recently listed as a new Threatened Ecological Community by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW).

The Mallee Bird Community is a group of 20 bird species – including the Malleefowl and Black-eared Minor which are now considered Nationally Endangered – that are dependent on large areas of intact mallee vegetation, with habitat loss one of the main factors for its listing.

SA Water’s Senior Manager of Capital Delivery Peter Seltsikas said the temporary pause would provide time to complete an environmental assessment to minimise any potential impact.

“This is the first project in the area that needs to consider the threatened community and we want to deliver an important infrastructure upgrade that is underpinned by ecological preservation,” Peter said.

“With the listing happening after pipeline project design, planning and procurement were underway, we had to quickly change approach and do the right thing for both our customers and the environment.

“We’re now carefully working through an assessment process with a range of field investigations and spatial monitoring, which we expect to complete and submit to DCCEEW later this year.

“By looking at sections of the pipeline in low-risk areas first, such as land cleared for farming, we will keep the project moving as they’ll become the focus for the current renewal program.

“To plan for future renewal stages, our work will consider the entire 358 kilometres of the pipeline – ensuring we have a holistic overview right up front, to better inform our construction plan across the 40-year project.”

Mr Seltsikas said connecting with local businesses remains an important part of delivering the renewal project.

“As we get closer to construction starting, we’ll touch base with interested businesses to understand how they can support the project – whether that be accommodation, catering, or construction services,” Peter said.

“Importantly, a reliable water supply to our customers remains secure, with regular maintenance and inspections of the pipeline ensuring it can continue servicing our regional network.”





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