Murray Bridge water to sparkle on a national stage


Murray Bridge water to sparkle on a national stage

First-time finalist, Murray Bridge Water Treatment Plant, is eager to claim the crown in an annual competition being held this weekend, where Australia’s best tasting tap water will be determined.

The TRILITY-operated plant emerged victorious in the state-based bout last month and will now compete against five other treatment facilities from around the country.

The event, run by the Water Industry Operators Association of Australia (WIOA), is being held at Casino in New South Wales, which was the 2021 winner, where a panel of water experts will assess water samples based on colour, clarity, odor and texture.

TRILITY Operations Manager - Riverland Region Max Gray is delighted to have claimed this year’s state title in what can be a tough competition.

“I am immensely proud of our Riverland Operations team, and this result is a testament to their continued efforts through what has been a challenging water quality period,” Max said.

"We carry a lot of pride in the water treatment plants we operate, and our teams always work hard to produce the highest quality drinking water for SA Water and the communities they serve.

“Hopefully, the judging panel feel the same, and we get to take home the national award!”

Other entries in Saturday’s competition include water from treatment plants at Bamarang in New South Wales (Shoalhaven Water), Nibo Road in Queensland (Mackay Regional Council), Fern Tree in Tasmania (TasWater), Wyndham in Western Australia (Water Corporation) and Creswell in Victoria (Melbourne Water).

SA Water’s Senior Manager Infrastructure, Planning and Strategy Daniel Hoefel said the event serves as a great reminder of the work operators do around the state do every day to ensure their communities receive safe and reliable water services.

“The Murray Bridge Water Treatment Plant can supply up to 38 million litres of water a day, and from source to tap, this is no easy feat,” Daniel said.

“Water is sourced from the River Murray before it goes through a comprehensive treatment process at the plant and is then distributed to more than 9,000 homes and businesses in the region."

The winner of the national competition will go on to represent Australia at the international event, being held in the United States early next year.





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