The Government of South Australia has invested $110 million in the scheme through SA Water, with $45.6 million to construct the infrastructure secured through the Australian Government's National Water Infrastructure Development Fund. This combined investment of $155.6 million has been used to build climate-independent recycled water distribution infrastructure, including:

  • a wastewater treatment plant to produce an additional 6 gigalitres per year of high-quality recycled water suitable for irrigating commercial food crops
  • extensive seasonal balancing storage
  • reduced capital and operational costs associated with on-farm storage
  • a transmission main taking water from Bolivar to the Northern Adelaide Plains
  • a distribution network with spur lines and connection points to the farm gate within the scheme footprint (to be determined following discussions with customers about their specific requirements)
  • pumping stations as required

Through the Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme (the Scheme), the Northern Adelaide Plains has a long-term supply of reliable, climate-independent water at stable prices. Long-term, tradeable agreements are irrigating horticulture, floriculture, fruit and nut orchards, table and wine grapes and high-value broad-acre crops that will satisfy demand for quality South Australian produce from booming export markets efficiently, sustainably and profitably.

The Scheme, delivered by SA Water, is unlocking 6 GL of quality water to be used in agricultural food production on Adelaide's northern plains, supporting up to 300 hectares of high-technology horticulture, and a further 2,700 hectares of advanced agri-food production..

See the Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme fact sheet for further details.

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