

Tours to our sites have been temporarily suspended, with the exception of the Adelaide Desalination Plant.
Regional and remote schools interested in tours can contact us at to discuss options for tours at a local site.
Through our onsite tours we share stories about water and wastewater treatment with school and community groups, providing insight into the treatment processes that keep you and the environment safe and healthy.
SA Water offers reimbursement of bus hire up to 25% for regional and disadvantaged schools. This is subject to approval and is assessed on a case by case basis. For details, please contact us at

Adelaide Desalination Plant

The Adelaide Desalination Plant at Lonsdale is the state’s largest desalination plant able to produce 100 gigalitres a year. Metropolitan Adelaide’s only climate-independent source of drinking water, it has been delivering drinking water since 2011.

Water produced at the Adelaide Desalination Plant is pumped 11 kilometres to storage tanks at our Happy Valley Water Treatment Plant. Here it is blended with treated water from Happy Valley Reservoir. Using our network of pump stations and underground pipes, we can supply drinking water produced at the Adelaide Desalination Plant to people across Adelaide, from Aldinga in the south, through to Elizabeth in the north.
Join a guided tour to see how we turn seawater into fresh clean drinking water.

At a glance
Suitable for: Year 5 and above
Duration: 90 minutes
Location: Adelaide Desalination Plant, 16 Chrysler Road, Lonsdale
Maximum capacity: up to 30 students plus a teacher and two parent volunteers.
Book Now

Happy Valley Water Treatment Plant

The Happy Valley Water Treatment Plant began as a chlorination facility which was built in 1965.
Today’s treatment plant has been operating since 1991 and is Adelaide’s largest water treatment plant. Here we produce safe, clean drinking water for our customers.

Hope Valley Water Treatment Plant

The Hope Valley Water Treatment Plant produces safe, clean drinking water for customers in Adelaide’s north-eastern suburbs.
It treats water from Hope Valley Reservoir which was the second reservoir constructed in Adelaide.

Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant

Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant is the largest treatment plant of its kind in South Australia and serves a catchment from across the greater Adelaide region.
Here, sewage is taken through a number of treatment process stages before it is ready for reuse as biogas, biosolids and recycled water, or for release back into the environment.

Glenelg Wastewater Treatment Plant

Each year, 2.8 gigalitres of recycled water from the Glenelg Wastewater Treatment Plant is provided to Adelaide where it is used for irrigation, largely helping green and keep cool the city’s public parks, gardens and sports grounds.

Christies Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant

At Christies Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant, sewage is taken through a number of treatment process stages before it is ready for reuse as biogas, biosolids and recycled water, or for release back into the environment.

The plant began operating in 1970 and was expanded in 1981 to support the growing southern suburbs population.

Aldinga Wastewater Treatment Plant

Aldinga Wastewater Treatment Plant is a zero discharge plant with all water recovered through the sewage treatment process recycled for reuse to irrigate an adjacent vineyard and nearby pasture land.

Reservoir Reserves

Tours of our reservoir reserves are also available at:
  • Myponga Reservoir Reserve
  • Hope Valley Reservoir Reserve
Contact us at to express your interest.