Report a Leak

Report a Leak

Error uploading file. Please ensure only valid image files are uploaded.

Use this service to report a leak on a road or footpath. This form should take about 3 minutes to complete.

Start Now

Warning Please call us on 1300 SA WATER (1300 729 283) if:
  • At the leak location, there is an odour. This could be a sewerage leak.
  • The problem is causing a serious health or safety issue.
  • There is a burst.

The information you provide in this form is subject to SA Water's Privacy Policy.

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Step 1 of 4
About the Problem
What is affected?

What is the problem?


Where is the leak?

You can attach photos in the following formats: jpg, gif, png.
You can attach up to 4 photos.
The combined total size of all the attached photos must be less than 4 megabytes (MB).
No Photo Attached
Warning We treat these cases as a priority.
Please call us immediately on 1300 SA WATER.
Your Contact Details

If you would like to be provided with a reference number and an attendance timeframe, please provide a valid mobile phone number or email address. If you provide both, we will send the information by both SMS and email.

Where is the problem happening?
For example, there is a loose dog or locked gate.


It can take up to 1 minute to submit the form depending on attachment size and internet speed. Please do not close this window until the form submits (a thank you page will be displayed).