Work wraps up on Glenelg water main renewal


Work wraps up on Glenelg water main renewal

SA Water has completed the installation of a total 970 metres of new water main at Glenelg – including under the southern side of Jetty Road – along with all other associated works.

The project aims to improve the reliability of drinking water supply to local customers and reduce the potential for disruptive breaks and leaks. Work began in late 2017, was put on hold to allow for the summer trade and peak tourist period, and then resumed in July 2018.

SA Water’s General Manager of Asset Operations and Delivery Mark Gobbie said the City of Holdfast Bay, local traders association and the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure were heavily involved in planning for the works, to ensure minimal disruption to traders and those travelling through the area.

“We worked with businesses in particular, to understand their water and other needs, such as parking and property access,” Mr Gobbie said.

“The result of this consultation was timing construction overnight on Jetty Road, which allowed for free-flowing traffic during the day.

“The tram service was also able to continue to Brighton Road until 7.30 pm on the nights work was scheduled, and our crews started later on Thursday nights to accommodate late night shopping, and on Sundays when twilight AFL games were held.

“On side roads, construction was undertaken during the day, to minimise noise and traffic impacts on residents.”

Jetty Road Mainstreet Committee Chairman Mark Faulkner said SA Water’s coordinated approach to the water main upgrade meant it really was ‘business as usual’ for traders during the project.

“There was opportunity for both initial and ongoing consultation between our group and SA Water, with time taken to understand and address our members’ concerns,” Mr Faulkner said.

“We were told from the start the works would be low impact, and that’s what was delivered.”

The bulk of the project was completed in late August, with remaining minor works such as road reinstatement and line-marking, decommissioning parts of the old water network and site clean-up carried out in the past few weeks.

Of the 970 metres of new water main installed in the area, around 370 metres was renewed under Jetty Road, with the remainder moved to parts of Newmans Lane, Cowper Street and Milton Street.





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