Woolpunda water pipped at the post for national title


Woolpunda water pipped at the post for national title

SA Water’s Woolpunda Water Treatment Plant has narrowly missed out on claiming the top prize at this year’s Water Industry Operators Association of Australia’s (WIOA) national best tasting tap water competition.

Today in Toowoomba, Queensland, a panel of water industry experts and members of the local community judged five samples from across the country, with Hamilton awarded the accolade, for water produced by Wannon Water in Victoria.

Liam Tothill from SA Water’s Production and Treatment team said South Australia is yet to take home a win at the event, with Victoria, Tasmania and Queensland the only states able to secure the national title to date.

"Wannon Water are well-deserved victors, but I think now more than ever, we’re determined to come out on top at next year’s competition," Liam said.

"Of course it was disappointing to not reach that goal today, but we can still walk away knowing that what’s produced from our Woolpunda facility in the Riverland and plants right across the state is clean, safe, quality drinking water."

To reach the national heats, Woolpunda first had to win the state-based competition, which was held in Murray Bridge earlier this year.

Woolpunda Water Treatment Plant Operator Greg Haynes said for a one person-operated site that supplies less than 800 people, it was a pretty fantastic achievement to represent South Australia, even without a win.

"The aims of the event were to acknowledge the ‘behind the scenes’ work of water operators, get people talking about tap water and showcase great tasting water from across the country," Greg said.

"I therefore think today was a success, and plus, we’ll get another chance next year to go for glory again!"

Woolpunda Water Treatment Plant provides water to mostly rural properties and farms, as well as towns including Wunkar and Mantung. It has the capacity to produce up to 1.8 million litres of drinking water a day, which is treated with a disinfection method known as chloramination.

Entries in today’s competition included Yeppoon in Queensland (Livingstone Shire Council), Port Macquarie in New South Wales (Port Macquarie Hastings Council), Bryn Estyn in Tasmania (TasWater), Woolpunda in South Australia (SA Water) and Hamilton in Victoria (Wannon Water).

The national winner will represent Australia in the international competition in the United States in early 2019.





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