We need to talk about water, Clare


We need to talk about water, Clare

Is it cost, quality, conservation, or something else? What matters to you when it comes to water services?

SA Water wants to know what you value about water and sewerage services and is asking its customers in Clare and the Mid North to share their thoughts, and help shape the future of water services for South Australia.

The conversations will kick-off at a drop-in session called ‘Water Talks’, at the SA Autumn Gardens Festival at the Clare Showgrounds between 9 am and 4 pm on Sunday 29 April 2018.

SA Water General Manager Communications and Engagement Anna Jackson said the insights gathered would inform the corporation’s business plans, and the Regulatory Business Proposal it submits to the Essential Services Commission of South Australia, for its revenues for the period 2020-2024.

"Customer feedback needs to be at the heart of this process – and all of our business decisions – so we’re asking you to give us a few minutes of your time to tell us what’s important to you," Anna said.

"We want to have high-quality conversations to better understand your priorities and the value you place on different levels of service and investment that have different bill impacts."

Visitors to the Water Talks drop-in session will be able to discuss key issues, have their feedback recorded and take part in a survey called ‘What matters to you’.

Anna said the survey could also be completed online at watertalks.sawater.com.au before 5 pm on Friday 1 June 2018.

"Please know up-front that the survey will take around 20 minutes - it’s not a quick ‘tick and flick’. We genuinely want to explore the trade-offs between reliability, quality and cost, which influence capital and operating expenses and the charges passed on through water bills."

"Coming along to the drop-in session or completing the online survey is your chance to join the discussion and make a real difference to our business."





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Email: media@sawater.com.au

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