Wastewater project info session next week


Wastewater project info session next week

The Murray Bridge community is invited to learn the latest on SA Water’s local wastewater network upgrade and wastewater treatment plant relocation, at an information session to be held next week.

SA Water and its contractor John Holland will be hosting the drop-in information session between 3 and 7pm on Thursday 6 September, outside Big W at the Murray Bridge Marketplace.

SA Water’s General Manager of Communications and Engagement Anna Jackson said the drop-in session will provide an update on the $52 million project’s planning and design phase, and information on how the local community can be involved during its construction and commissioning.

“If you have any questions or want to find out how the wastewater network upgrade and new treatment plant will benefit you and your community, we encourage you to come and have a chat with our project team,” Anna said.

“This will also be an opportunity for local suppliers and service providers to register their interest in contributing to the project. We’re keen to hear from local businesses ranging from lunch truck operators to plumbers to mechanical and hydraulic experts.”

The new Murray Bridge Wastewater Treatment Plant will have a capacity of 4.6 million litres per day and will be located approximately 10 kilometres south of the town, set back from Pfeiffer Road opposite the Brinkley Waste and Recycling Facility.

Around 18 kilometres of new underground pipe and four new pump stations will be built to connect the new plant to the existing sewerage network.

“We have been consulting with the Rural City of Murray Bridge, local Ngarrindjeri people, and properties along the new pipeline route such as Unity College School,” Anna said.

“This has included a community reference group, written introductory and progress updates, open days and direct stakeholder meetings.

“Community feedback on minimising issues such as odour and environmental impact were key in determining the location of the new treatment plant.”

Subject to final planning approvals, major construction works aim to commence in October 2018.





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