Upgrade continues for Ceduna water network


Upgrade continues for Ceduna water network

Next week, SA Water will undertake planned maintenance to the water transfer main which delivers drinking water into Ceduna, helping to ensure the continued reliability of supply for local residents and businesses.

An earlier upgrade of the main was carried out in June, with a plan to undertake further maintenance later in the year, once specialised parts and equipment became available.

The transfer main receives the coastal town’s water after it has been piped from either the Uley South Basin bore field on lower Eyre Peninsula, or through the 379 kilometre pipeline from the Morgan Water Treatment Plant in the Riverland.

SA Water’s General Manager of Asset Operations and Delivery Mark Gobbie said during the works, Ceduna will be supplied through an alternate water main, which has a lower capacity than the transfer main.

"We hope to maintain continuous water supply throughout construction, but if demand is higher than what the alternate pipe can manage, this may result in our local customers temporarily experiencing low water pressure," Mark said.

"We have scheduled maintenance outside of peak periods, to minimise the potential for any inconvenience, but we are asking people to lessen their water use during our upgrades, to help reduce demand on the network."

The works will take place between 9 am and 5 pm on Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 September.

"There are a number of practical things you can do in preparation, to help reduce water demand during these times," Mark said.

"Consider running the dishwasher or washing machine earlier in the day, refrigerating a jug of water overnight for drinking, and filling a bucket with water for any light cleaning.

"During the periods when construction work is being undertaken, we encourage you to only turn on the tap for essential needs like drinking, brushing your teeth and flushing the toilet.

"We thank our Ceduna customers in advance for their patience, while we complete this important upgrade to improve the security of the town’s water supply."

For more information, people can call SA Water on 1300 729 283 or email project@sawater.com.au.





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