Test your taste buds at the Riverland Field Days


Test your taste buds at the Riverland Field Days

Think your keen sense of taste can tell the subtle differences in tap waters?

To put your taste buds to the test, visit SA Water at Riverland Field Days in Barmera to learn the science behind water.

The SA Water team will serve five different water samples from Peterborough, Waikerie, Iron Knob, Kimba and Woolpunda, and ask you to try and pick which one stands out.

Water Quality Specialist and Scientist at SA Water, Dr Kelly Newton, said while the blind taste test is designed mainly for fun, it also serves vital customer research purposes.

“The test plays an important role in helping us understand what customers like and don’t like about their water, so we can continue to improve our services,” Kelly said.

“The Riverland has a history of producing top quality water, with Woolpunda recently judged SA’s best tasting tap water by a panel of Australian water experts ahead of previous winner Morgan.”

The one person-operated Woolpunda Water Treatment Plant has been producing water since 2009, and will complete for the title of Australia’s best tasting tap water as part of National Water Week next month.

The plant at Woolpunda sources and treats around 700,000 litres of raw water from the River Murray, before it is delivered to towns including Woolpunda, Wunkar, Mantung and Cadell, as well as country lands located up to 50 kilometres from the treatment plant.

“After Morgan was narrowly edged out on the title for the past two years, we hope the Woolpunda team can go on to secure the 2018 crown for SA!” Kelly said.

Visitors to the Riverland Field Days can Take the Tap Test with SA Water at stand P56 in the Exhibition Pavillion.





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