SA Water welcomes new Board


SA Water welcomes new Board

SA Water has welcomed four new appointments to its Board of Directors, adding a wealth of new experience to the team accountable for overseeing the Corporation’s performance and long-term strategic direction.

The Governor of South Australia today confirmed that Andrew Fletcher AO will assume the role of Chair, with Janet Finlay, John Bastian and Fiona Hele also engaged as directors.

The new appointees will join existing directors Ian Stirling, Sue Filby and SA Water Chief Executive Roch Cheroux to form the seven-member Board, which reports to the Minister for Environment and Water, on behalf of the people of South Australia.

SA Water Chief Executive Roch Cheroux said the new Chair and directors would both support and guide the corporation in delivering its vision.

"Every day, more than 1500 South Australians are dedicated to providing our 1.7 million customers with world class water services that enable a better life, and the Board plays an important role in maintaining sight of that vision," Roch said.

"With a strong and diverse group of skilled experts accountable for overseeing and monitoring our performance, South Australians can be confident our new Board will continue to make a valuable contribution to SA Water’s governance."

An engineer by training, incoming Chair Andrew Fletcher AO brings significant experience across both the public and private sectors, including as former Chief Executive of Defence SA and the Port Adelaide Maritime Corporation.

Janet Finlay has more than 25 years’ experience as commercial business advisor specialising in finance and tax, and is currently a member of the State Planning Commission of South Australia and the Libraries Board of South Australia.

John Bastian AM is an experienced management consultant formerly recognised as a BRW Business Leader of the Year, and also currently serves as Chair of TechinSA, the Spencer Gulf Ecosystem and Development Initiative, and South Australian branch of The CEO Institute.

Fiona Hele is a Chartered Accountant with more than 20 years’ experience in the public and private sectors, and is currently engaged on the boards of SeaLink Travel Group, Adelaide Venue Management Corporation, Celsus Securitisation and PrimeQ.

Mr Cheroux acknowledged the outgoing directors for their contributions to SA Water.

Outgoing Chair Hon Carolyn Pickles served as a director from 2013, Hon Karlene Maywald from 2014 and Sybella Blencowe was a director from 2008.

Further information on SA Water’s Board of Directors and corporate governance is available from





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