Wastewater is Everybody's business in Port Pirie


Wastewater is Everybody's business in Port Pirie

Most people start their day in the bathroom or kitchen with little thought to what happens to the wastewater from their showers, toilets or sinks once it goes down the drain.

To help raise the awareness of what happens to this wastewater and how the community can help safeguard this resource, SA Water has launched a new wastewater education campaign.

SA Water's Northern Region Service Delivery Manager, John Meakin, says one of the main features of the campaign is the placement of posters in hotels and clubs across the northern region.

"These posters feature some key messages on how the community can help protect the wastewater network and reduce problems within their own drains. People will begin to see these posters on the backs of toilet doors in venues across the Northern region. In Port Pirie, these posters can be found at the Pasminco-Bhas Community Club and the International Hotel." Mr Meakin says.

"Almost all of SA Water's treatment works are done behind the scenes in pipes, pumps and treatment plants and many of us don't give a second thought to what happens to the waste once it disappears from sight. In Port Pirie, there are over 115,000 metres of wastewater mains.

"In 2011/12 the Port Pirie Wastewater Treatment Plants processed almost 1.6 billion litres of wastewater from Port Pirie customers," Mr Meakin says.





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