Paralowie students in first flush of sewage


Paralowie students in first flush of sewage

More than 120 students from Paralowie R-12 School got hands-on with SA Water this week, learning about sewage during a fun workshop called Poo-Do Gurus and a tour of the Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Poo-Do Gurus is an interactive educational program about sewage treatment that is designed for students in grades five to seven, and shows how science is applied in real-life scenarios.

Using enjoyable workshops and engaging tours, students take in the sights, sounds and smells of a wastewater treatment facility and discover why sewage treatment is important to modern life.

SA Water General Manager of Customers, Strategy and Innovation Anna Jackson said the workshops and tours are part of the corporation’s commitment to teaching children about wastewater.

“The average person flushes the toilet 2,500 times a year. This program lets children go ‘behind the scenes’ to see what happens after they flush,” said Anna.

“We process around 250,000 megalitres of sewage at our wastewater treatment plants across Adelaide every year.

“Adelaide had Australia’s first sewerage system and South Australians have long enjoyed the public health benefits of good sanitation.

“Globally, more than 2.4 billion people still do not have access to toilets or acceptable sanitation and this is the leading cause of water-borne diseases.”

The workshops were held at SA Water’s Learning Centre in Victoria Square where the students donned lab coats and safety glasses to run a series of entertaining experiments.

The experience then moved to the Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant, which treats around 60 per cent of metropolitan Adelaide’s sewage – on average 157 million litres every day, or 1,800 litres of sewage every second.

These hands-on sessions hold water for teachers too, aligning with South Australia’s primary school science curriculum and helping teach more than 7,000 students since the program first started in 2009.

As well as Poo-Do Gurus, SA Water’s education program supports tours, workshops and shows such as Slippery Stuff, Follow That Drop and Just Add Water for school-age children across the state.

Schools interested in booking an educational activity, or looking for educational resources can visit





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