New water mains in the pipeline for regional SA


New water mains in the pipeline for regional SA

Water main upgrades are flowing across South Australia’s regions as part of SA Water's four-year, $155 million investment in its water main management program to improve services for customers.

Major regional centres and towns including Gawler, Loxton, Port Lincoln and Port Pirie have been earmarked to receive a share of around 47,000 metres of new water main, set to be installed throughout regional South Australia during the next 12 months.

SA Water’s General Manager of Sustainable Infrastructure Amanda Lewry said the program builds on the 31,000 metres of water main upgraded across regional areas during 2020-21.

“Improving our services isn’t just about delivering good quality drinking water, it’s about maintaining the system that delivers it, to reduce the frequency of water main leaks and breaks and their potential impact on our customers,” Amanda said.

“Through smart investment, these ongoing improvements to your regional water network will help sustain the infrastructure’s long-term reliability.

“Replacing reticulated water mains – which connect larger distribution mains to customers’ service pipes – is only one component of our four-year, $1.6 billion capital program of water infrastructure upgrades.

“This program also includes upgrades to our larger pipelines and treatment plants.

“A safe, secure supply of water is central to public health and our social fabric, and underpins economic growth. Our water main upgrades across regional areas will ensure local residents and businesses can continue accessing their essential water services.

“We look forward to working together with our construction partners to deliver an investment in the services that support the prosperity of communities around South Australia.”

As work progresses, SA Water will ensure residents are given advance notice of any temporary water supply interruptions, which can be necessary when their connection is moved over to a new water main.

Depending on the length of water main replaced, each upgrade can take an average of five weeks to complete, with works typically occurring between Monday and Friday from 7am to 5pm.

For more information on where SA Water is renewing water mains around the state, take a look at the interactive map at





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