Improving sewerage services for Port Lincoln


Improving sewerage services for Port Lincoln

As part of SA Water’s ongoing commitment to support future growth in Port Lincoln, a $5 million upgrade of the local sewer network will soon begin – increasing the network’s capacity and improving its reliability and environmental performance.

Starting next month, SA Water will install around four kilometres of new sewer main under Wingard Terrace, Marina Drive and St Andrews Drive, and duplicate a key connection into the Port Lincoln Wastewater Treatment Plant at Billy Lights Point.

SA Water’s General Manager of Asset Operations and Delivery Mark Gobbie said the new mains would build extra capacity into a tight area of the network.

“The Port Lincoln wastewater network has 143 kilometres of sewer main with 20 sewer pumping stations helping send the sewage towards the treatment plant,” Mark said.

“With five of those pump stations currently pushing sewage into one large main, the addition of the new sewer main will overcome existing capacity limitations and set the network up for future growth.

“Port Lincoln has a large sewer network which services a variety of customers including residential, small business and major commercial enterprises. It’s important we can continue to transport sewage from these customers safely and reliably."

Construction will be led by South Australian company S.E.M. Utilities, with support from local contractors, and is expected to be complete by October 2018.

"We will continue to keep the local community updated as this project progresses, and are working with the contractor to minimise construction impacts,” Mark said.

“For the safety of our workers and the community, traffic management including lane restrictions and detours, will be in place during the project.

“Advance notice will be provided to local residents and businesses whenever night or weekend work is required, or if any property access is temporarily impacted.”

SA Water will continue to work closely with local stakeholders including the City of Port Lincoln on additional planned sewer network upgrades in the area, including within the wastewater treatment plant site.





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