Half a century of service for Lincoln local Bruce


Half a century of service for Lincoln local Bruce

When a young Bruce Dearman joined SA Water’s Eyre Peninsula team in early 1969, he never imagined the enjoyment and love of his work would keep him there for fifty years.

“Like many young adults coming out of school I figured it would be just a temporary job for a year or so while I found my way in the world,” Bruce said.

“I had no idea I’d take such a shining to the work I was doing in the local community, and I’m glad it has kept me hooked for 49 years longer than I expected!”

Joining what was then the Engineering and Water Services’ construction branch based in Lock, Bruce was tasked with digging trenches, laying pipes and other trades work associated with connecting new customers in the region to mains supplied water.

Joining the so-called ‘trades gang’ within a few years, Bruce moved across the Eyre Peninsula and even as far as the Nullarbor repairing pump stations, pipelines and water tanks before setting up life in Lincoln in the mid-1970s.

“Straight away I fell in love with the coastal lifestyle and perfect weather living seaside, and I’m so lucky I also met my wife shortly after the move with who I have two wonderful children,” Bruce said.

“The move also introduced me to another love of mine in the Tasman Roosters footy club, which I’m extremely fortunate to be a life member of after many years of being the club trainer.”

Now working as a Customer Technical Services Officer, Bruce’s day-to-day involves investigating the connection of new water and sewer connections for customers, while liaising with various contractors on the installation and connection of new mains to the SA Water network.

After five decades of work, Bruce said his finest achievement is helping lay pipe as part of the Lock to Kimba scheme, which linked-in customers in the Kimba township to mains supplied water for the very first time.

“The town originally had to rely on their own tanks and dams to pump or cart water, so to be a part of such a large project and see the town receive a high-quality source of water after so many years was really rewarding,” Bruce said.   

“While I still love getting out on the ground and helping out customers even after five decades, I now much prefer to use my experience in the teaching side of things and helping mentor the next crop of young workers coming through the SA Water ranks.”

SA Water’s Acting General Manager Customer Delivery Matt Minagall said the half-century milestone is testament to Bruce’s hard work and perseverance.  

“Bruce is a highly-valued member of our team and the Port Lincoln community, and this milestone is great recognition of the positive impact he has on both the business and our thousands of customers on the Eyre Peninsula,” Matt said.

“50 years with SA Water is an amazing feat, and we’re extremely fortunate to have Bruce and so many other dedicated and skilled people working across SA to provide world class water services for our customers.”





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