Global prize for SA Water’s smart network


Global prize for SA Water’s smart network

SA Water's world-leading adoption of smart water network technology has been recognised with a bronze prize at the International Water Association's Project Innovation Awards in Tokyo this week.

SA Water's smart network edged out 160 entries from 45 countries in the Smart Systems and the Digital Water Economy category, cementing the South Australian utility's position as an international leader in integrating digital and smart technologies for the benefit of customers.

SA Water's Chief Executive Roch Cheroux said he was thrilled his team had been recognised for their pioneering adoption of smart technology.

"We are the first water utility in the world to implement a range of Internet of Things-enabled sensors at scale within a defined geographic area, and recognition like this provides a platform to share the knowledge we've built and improve water network management practices," Roch said.

"It's a credit to our highly capable team who have developed this technology with our customers in mind, along with smart technology solutions that will soon expand to other parts of our network."

SA Water's smart water network, implemented in a $4 million trial across Adelaide's Central Business District, combines acoustic sensors, pressure and flow data, high speed transient pressure sensors, smart meters and water quality sensors to identify potential leaks and trigger intervention before leaks or breaks escalate to impact customers or commuters.

Around 300 smart meters are also being installed at residences and businesses in Penneshaw, making people living in the Kangaroo Island township the first whole town in the state with access to smart technology to help manage their water usage.

"While not all leaks and breaks are preventable, our smart network has helped pre-empt more than 20 water main incidents in its first year of operation and shift our incident response in the pilot area from entirely reactive to 70 per cent predictive," Roch said.

This week's international award follows a number of other accolades this year for SA Water's smart network, including two awards at the 2018 Australian Internet of Things Awards, as well as the title of 2018 Australian Digital Utility of the Year.





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