Future Adelaide service delivery partners shortlisted


Future Adelaide service delivery partners shortlisted

Six specialist water and service delivery entities have been shortlisted to participate in the latest procurement stage for arrangements to work together with SA Water in delivering water and wastewater services across metropolitan Adelaide.

Lendlease, Programmed Maintenance Services, Suez and Veolia have been shortlisted for the field services contract that sustains the water distribution and sewerage networks, while Broadspectrum and Valoriza (in a joint venture), Suez and Veolia will compete for the production and treatment contract operating six water treatment plants and five wastewater treatment plants.

The Request for Proposal comes after industry briefings in May and an Expression of Interest process that ran from June to August, all overseen by an independent probity advisor.

SA Water Acting Chief Executive Mark Gobbie said shortlisted entities were assessed against criteria that included innovation, cultural alignment and commitment to developing staff and the local industry.

“For us to deliver best value for South Australians now and into the future it’s important that our service providers understand the need to remain adaptive to change, challenge and industry advancements,” said Mark.

“Our new contract model will comprise two parts and will ensure we have the flexibility to continuously improve and respond to changing circumstances and customer expectations.

“We will draw on local knowledge and experience and the best national and international expertise available.

“There is significant opportunity for local small and medium businesses to support the future lead contractors and I would encourage them to start those conversations now.”

Production and treatment operations in Adelaide’s metropolitan area include the six water and five wastewater treatment sites, with field services supporting more than 9,000 kilometres of water mains serving more than 490,000 customer connections and 7,500 kilometres of wastewater mains supporting more than 460,000 connections.

Since 2011 SA Water’s Adelaide metropolitan service delivery has been supported by Allwater (a joint venture of SUEZ and Broadspectrum), with the arrangement drawing to a close at the end of its 10 year contract period on 1 July 2021.

Around 1,500 people within SA Water working right across South Australia ensure the corporation’s 1.7 million customers have access to reliable water and wastewater services, with another 400 Allwater staff delivering 24/7 services within the Adelaide metropolitan area.

“Together with our alliance partner Allwater, we’re working towards a strong finish of the current contract and a smooth transition to our future arrangements,” Mark said.

“The extensive experience and knowledge of the Adelaide network will continue to be of value and people working within the alliance delivering water services in metropolitan Adelaide will have opportunities to remain in the industry, beyond July 2021.”





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