Furry fundraiser makes a splash for Clare Valley pups


Furry fundraiser makes a splash for Clare Valley pups

As temperatures rose and dry conditions hit South Australia late last month, dropping water supplies in the two storage tanks at SA Dog Rescue’s remote off-network Clare Valley facility made it a challenge to keep its four-legged friends cool and hydrated.

Their plight quickly gained the attention of generous SA Water staff who rallied to raise money to deliver 40,000 litres of water to the facility, and keep the animals cool on some of the hottest days on record.

A not-for-profit organisation run solely by volunteers, SA Dog Rescue facilitates the care and eventual re-homing of dogs, cats and other animals across South Australia.

SA Water’s General Manager of Communications and Engagement Anna Jackson said with the facility running low on water and funds to purchase more supply, the SA Water team quickly leapt into action.

"Because the site is not able to directly access our water supply network in the Clare Valley, our team took it upon themselves to help raise enough money to take water directly to them," Anna said.

"Our people donated $1500 dollars in around half an hour, which was more than five-times our target.

"We were able to supply SA Dog Rescue with two water tankers from our Clare depot, and gave them a cheque for the additional money raised.

"We are committed to providing our customers with world-class water services for a better life, and in this instance, it included the lives of dogs and other animals that the facility cares for."

Co-founder of SA Dog Rescue Shane Jones said the group was extremely grateful for the wide support it has received as part of its water appeal.

"Having a stable water supply is understandably important to keep the animals cool and well hydrated, and the water donated allowed us to spoil our four-legged friends and cool down and relax in clam shell pools," Shane said.

"It was certainly a welcome relief for our animals and volunteers going through a prolonged period of hot weather, and we thank everyone for their generosity and support."





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